Content Creation Tips from Barber A-ROD and Tulpi the Master Barber

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It’s no secret that the grooming industry can open a host of doors for the right person. In today’s market, that could mean using a pair of clippers to become a business owner, entrepreneur, brand ambassador, educator, celebrity barber, content creation professional, and a platform artist, all at once. Even though that’s become the norm, for Barber A-ROD and Tulpi the Master Barber it’s only the beginning. 

For anyone who needs a reminder, Barber A-ROD is the biggest name in the barbering industry. As a bonafide rockstar, he travels around the world to host sold out venues packed with industry professionals. With over 2 million Instagram followers, his reach is without a doubt global. And his latest project involves Tulpi, a 15-year industry vet who runs Barber Gallery and shares the very same same drive and passion for the industry as A-ROD. 

These two Booksy Ambassadors have teamed up to create El Portal—a unique project that's designed to open new doors for industry pros who want to broaden their reach by showcasing their creativity in other artist mediums, such as music and content creation. To promote the project, the two industry juggernauts are proudly performing their hit song El Portal live on stage, while their music video is constantly being viewed by tens of thousands of fans. 

Spend the next few moments learning about this exciting creative project. Read about the ins and outs of their journey to reach new industry highs in a way that no one else has done quite like this. Gain valuable content creation tips to better market your brand by learning from two of the brightest stars in the industry. And once you’re done reading this article, keep learning about content creation strategies: Ten Tips for Creating Social Media Content by Barber A-ROD


Create Content with a Purpose 

The key to making waves in the grooming industry without a doubt involves content creation. But that doesn't mean posting random videos and pictures anywhere online. Instead, learning how to promote yourself as a barber through content creation involves devoting time and energy into projects that connect with an audience. It also means moving fans in the same way that listeners sway along to the words of El Portal.  

“The industry has shown us events and demonstrations, where a model can have a great hairstyle and outfit. But if you don't have the right music, when that model goes down an aisle or stands on stage—it doesn’t give off the right vibe. So, we wanted to create music and videos to start something unique and relate it to the work that we're doing in the industry,” said A-ROD. 

El Portal is designed to spread the word about the wide range of opportunities that are available in the industry. At the same time, it’s important for grooming experts to “level up” by marketing themselves and making sure their online content provides value to the people watching but in an original way. Anyone who wants barber tips on how to create content should follow the same path and produce images and videos that have a solid purpose to better connect with people, said A-ROD.

Think Outside of the Box

A-ROD continued sharing baber tips about content creation by acknowledging that there’s a wide range of pictures and videos, which are readily available to online viewers. But to gain traction or to go viral, it’s important to do something truly different, which will stop viewers in the tracks. That’s the exact strategy he’s used to generate videos with over 14 million viewers. He also used that same strategy with El Portal and recommends that others do the same.

“Sometimes as barbers, we don't want to open up and think outside the box. And that's one of the most important things you need to do to be able to be successful nowadays—you have to try everything. There's tons of barbers out there, doing their thing, creating content, and trying new things. And those are the barbers that succeed, why? Because if you don't step outside your comfort zone, how do you know the lane that’s right for you?” he asked.

A-ROD said that it’s important for barbers to think outside the box, especially when it comes to content creation. That’s the main reason why he wanted to create El Portal. It's also why he continues experimenting by creating videos that feature high fashion, creative music, and new styling techniques. He also said that newcomers to content creation are going to feel more confident at certain tasks rather than others. But with enough effort, you will get better over time. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Start Small

The El Portal content creation project obviously required a host of talent, long hours, and expensive technology. But that doesn’t always have to be the case, said A-ROD. When he started creating videos for his YouTube channel, it was 12 years ago. And the only piece of technology that he used for filming was an iPhone that would be considered archaic by today’s standards. 

“It's never too late, and never be scared of what people are going to say. Do what your heart tells you to do. If you put in the work, you're going to see results. It doesn't matter if it's in two weeks, six months, one year, or even in 10 years. As long as you keep fighting and you keep rolling—that's what matters,” he said. A-ROD added that starting small is better than not starting at all. 

If you want to learn how to promote yourself as a barber by creating great content, you shouldn’t expect to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a budget. Instead, get comfortable using modern smartphones and learning information from YouTube. After fully utilizing those resources, feel free to take classes and do more research to get better, A-ROD said. He added that the message in the content is what’s really going to speak to people. So, it’s not always about cutting-edge software or technology.


Collaborate Whenever Possible 

One of the important things to remember, when it comes to content creation, is the power of collaborations, said Tulpi. Whether it’s working with A-ROD on El Portal, collaborating with other Booksy Ambassadors at trade shows, connecting with major brands, or working closely with the staffers in his shop, it’s all about collaboration. And that’s key in this industry, he said. 

“You don't create a movement by yourself. You create a movement by collaborating. We are all people who do the same thing and want the same goals. And when you have a platform and a community that supports what you do—it’s important to collaborate, because that’s the best way for everyone to level up,” said Tulpi.

For anyone seeking more barber tips or content creation advice, simply extrapolate on that message. Consider working with other people with the same mindset, because it’s a great way to share resources. For the El Portal music video, Tulip was able to tap into L3VEL3 resources by shooting at their warehouse and working with video directors that A-ROD has worked with in the past. However, Tulpi was more than happy to invest financially to make this project happen.

Be Authentic At All Times

Regardless of the content creation project, it’s important to be yourself. And that's because authenticity makes the end result feel meaningful, said Tulpi. During the music portion of the El Portal project, both A-ROD and Tulpi rap about their experiences within the barbering industry. Specefically, they rap about the success that it’s brought them. Sharing those details while tapping into their Puerto Rican heritage sets their content apart from others while staying true to themselves, Tulipi said. 

“More than anything, I would like to say that you gotta be yourself. You have to be you to motivate other people, because everything you do is part of your legacy. You also don't need to already be famous to be somebody who creates something different than everything that’s already out there on the street,” Tulpi said. 

He added that online viewers want to take time out of their day to follow brands that feel genuine. Trying to make a name for yourself doesn't mean putting on a fake persona. Instead, staying true to yourself is the best way to entice consumers. Authenticity is a much more important marketing tool for brands than many people realize. And that’s because real people feel a stronger connection to other real people, Tulip said.


For more proven strategies and barber tips to ensure your online content grabs the attention of online viewers and keeps them coming back for more, check out the following read: 

Ten Tips for Creating Social Media Content by Barber A-ROD

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