Get discovered and booked on Booksy Marketplace

List your business on the largest and fastest growing beauty and wellness marketplace in the world.

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on the map

38+ million clients worldwide are using Booksy to research and book services near them – don’t miss out.

Your business visible on the map
List your business for free
List your business for free

With the Booksy Customer App or, clients can browse local profiles, reviews and portfolios to find their perfect match (you!)

Appear in search results
Appear in search results

Appear in search results for local clients looking for your services

Instant bookings via Google
Instant bookings via Google

Get discovered and take instant bookings via Google Search and Google Maps

Get discovered by local clients looking for your services

  • Showcase your best work with your Portfolio
  • Automatically collect verified reviews and client photos to build trust
  • Add photos to your service descriptions
  • Take instant bookings from new clients, no calls or texts required
Start free now

38 million customers use Booksy worldwide

+23% growth in Marketplace bookings since last year

Businesses listed on Marketplace see a 28% increase in total bookings

Make it easy for clients to find and book you online, 24/7

Give clients the opportunity to explore your work, check your availability, and book an open slot that works for them. Bye bye, back and forth.

  • Let clients book directly from Instagram and Facebook
  • Maintain full control of which bookings you accept or decline
  • Block any clients that aren’t serving you
  • No booking fees for you or your clients

Get booked instantly, wherever clients are finding you

Book by Instagram


Add a Book Now button on your profile to cut down on DMs and drive bookings

Book now on Facebook


Add a Book button to your Facebook Business page

Reserve with Google

Reserve with Google

Get discovered and instantly booked through Google Search and Google Maps.

Try now

“Booksy Marketplace is everything for me

It is my digital storefront. There's a description of your work, a portfolio of your work. It’s a way for people to find my artwork and find out who I am. It’s a great way to get people in your chair.”

Kimberly Tay Hair

Get more visibility for your business

Turn on Boost to stand out even more on Marketplace. No monthly fees – you only pay when it works.

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Profile recommended by Booksy

More To Love

Online Self-Booking

Empower clients to book from anywhere to keep your calendar booked and busy.

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Client Management

Keep a dynamic database of client contact info, booking history, photos, and notes.

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Turn on the Boost marketing feature to get even more exposure to clients near you.

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All features
Try Booksy and check how the online appointment calendar works