An Inside Look at the Booksy Ambassador Program and How It Could Work For You

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What’s one thing that Barber AROD, Kim Kimble, Jenny Bui, Alfredo Lewis, Christy Clips, Byrd Mena, John Carlo, Mr. G, Spifster, Naja Nail Guru, Rolando Aqui, Brandi LaShay, Mr. Official, Roylee the Barber, and Joe Flano all have in common? Besides the obvious fact that each one of these professionals is at the very top of their game and considered industry royalty—they’re all a part of the Booksy Ambassador Program.

This exclusive title is reserved for a select group of people who’ve mastered their trade and are taking their talents to the next level. From a business perspective, an ambassador is simply a person who believes in a brand enough to spend their time and energy advocating for that product. But being a Booksy Ambassador encompasses so much more. 

For the right person, this role can launch an already successful career by opening the right doors. Since it isn’t easy to become a Booksy Ambassador, we put together this article to make sure professionals who are truly hungry for more respect in the industry know how to earn it. 


What is a Booksy Ambassador?

Since 2014, when Booksy first began working with beauty and wellness experts in the United States, the Booksy Ambassador Program has given a handful of professionals the chance to leverage the respect they’ve earned from their peers and advocate for a product they believe in. In total, there are about 100 Booksy Ambassadors based in different parts of the U.S. 

Although that may seem like a small number, becoming a Booksy Ambassador is very achievable. But the challenge is to make sure each member of the program is a part of a supportive community, said Tasneem Sarlie, the Booksy Ambassador Community Manager, who is affectionately known as Tas.

“We are building a community of cross-brand support. When we talk about cross-brand support, we are here to support you by supporting your brand and supporting your business with tools and resources to provide more opportunities for you to become more successful, while building a supportive and engaged community that spreads the Booksy message,” said Tas.

The specific benefits range depending on the level of involvement that each individual person has with the program. However, Booksy Ambassadors are generally paid their day rate to attend industry events. Travel expenses are also paid for, and Booksy membership fees are waived. 

To keep earning those benefits and at times some additional perks, each Booksy Ambassador needs to be ready to answer on-the-spot questions at conferences and trade shows. Some Ambassadors also act as educators, while others serve as the chief point of contact in their city. Additionally, Ambassadors are asked to create social media content that promotes Booksy.

“Being a Booksy Ambassador means engaging people who ask questions via social media or online platforms through written messages or video and image content that speaks about our brand via relatable experiences. It’s important for Ambassadors to share their experiences behind the chair while discussing how Booksy makes their lives more seamless,” said Tas. 


The Structure of the Booksy Ambassador Program

Without a doubt, Booksy Ambassadors are eclectic souls who come from all walks of life. But despite the different paths they each traveled, they’re all perfect examples of beauty professionals in their prime who are the very best at marketing themselves and our brand. 

A huge part of selecting each Booksy Ambassador involves making sure that every person stands to benefit while adding to the program. To help make sure that’s the case, Tas grouped Booksy Ambassadors into four distinct categories of self made success: 


Our Creators are the Ambassadors with mass appeal and celebrity status within the industry. These Booksy Ambassadors contribute to the team by acting as our creative consultants, which means they regularly contribute to our larger-scale marketing projects and campaigns.

Because of their experience with spreading brand awareness on a wide-reaching level, they know exactly what works and what doesn’t. Instead of guessing how to reach thousands of professionals, Creators use their long list of connections to empower them and to steer us in the right direction with regards to expanding our reach within the beauty and wellness community. 


Additionally, we have a group of Booksy Ambassadors that are known as Experts. These individuals serve as our content creators and experts in their fields. They generally have strong backgrounds in community leadership. Naturally, we heavily rely on them for education, since they’re our Experts—but know that they specialize in offering a more personalized touch.

“Educators are essentially mentors, who want to see people thrive. And they shine at educating people on the software tools, in-app resources, and new product releases designed to help industry professionals better run their businesses. Educators are responsible for creating content that's valuable to their audience and valuable to Booksy,” said Tas.


Influencers are our third category of Booksy Ambassadors, and they’re responsible for being the face of Booksy on social media. As the name implies, Influencers apply their master level of industry knowledge and influence on social media. They lead online discussions to spread the word about Booksy in social media forums, online discussions, and through social media messaging.

Because of their web savviness, Influencers answer most of the questions that new providers and potential Booksy users ask within comment sections on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok. And that’s because Influencers are able to talk about our brand. They have those conversations organically and authentically via multiple different social media channels and online vehicles.

Regional and Local Heroes

We also have Regional and Local Heroes. These Booksy Ambassadors are our partners in localized areas that are more challenging for us to reach. Regional and Local Heroes are valuable because they have strong networks within their communities. And they’re able to represent us online but more so in person, in places where Booksy is still catching on. 

These active Booksy users build and maintain interpersonal relationships. Regional and Local Heroes work within their neighborhoods and smaller cities, where Booksy has made an initial presence. These trailblazing Booksy Ambassadors utilize our in-house resources. They work closely with people in places that we have not fully reached. And they focus their energy in areas that we want to better serve in the near future.


Advantages to Being a Booksy Ambassador 

Being a Booksy Ambassador means that everyone can use the program to grow and excel. Whether it’s hosting a webinar, attending a conference, spearheading a wide-reaching marketing campaign, or becoming a spokesperson in their community—this experience is all about growth.

Alexandra Nanette

For Booksy Ambassador Alexandra Nanette, owner of Nails By Nanette, the program broadens her reach while providing opportunities to showcase her online teaching skills. Booksy lets Alexandra create engaging educational content, while acting as a springboard to ensure that content earns views. And that's true for the webinars, Instagram Live videos, or social media posts that she creates.

“To be in the beauty industry means we all have that creative gene. So, creating content is an extension of that. Being able to create that content is also a lot of fun,” said Alexandra. “Having the support from Booksy and not just working by myself means having a big brand behind me. So, all of the content that I create becomes even more impactful.” 


Leroy Garrett

Leroy Garrett, better known as Roylee the Barber, added to that sentiment by sharing that features like the No-Show Protection, Boost, the Marketing Tools, the Social Post Creator, and the 24/7 booking makes it easy for him to be a Booksy Ambassador, because all of those software tools are features that he uses to promote his business. 

“When it comes to being a Booksy Ambassador, the fact that I believe in the product and love using it makes it that much easier to talk about Booksy. I've been using Booksy even before I became an Ambassador. And for me to be able to tell people about it just seems very organic,” said Leroy, who also uses his notoriety as an Ambassador to give back to his community. 

Just a few months ago, Leroy hosted a community service project. He gave children free haircuts and raised over $1,000 for kids in need. Leroy used that money to buy notebooks, book bags, pens, pencils, and paper. Children were able to pick out those items for themselves. And being a Booksy Ambassador helped spread the word. 


How to Become a Booksy Ambassador

The key takeaway about the Booksy Ambassador Program is that it’s ready and waiting. Our continued goal is to help industry professionals open doors that will help grow their businesses and expand their reach. When it comes to the Booksy Ambassador Program, industry professionals always ask the same question—what exact qualifications does a person need to have to earn the job?

Surprisingly, there’s very few specific rules that absolutely have to be met. A Booksy Ambassador must be a Booksy user to make sure they’re familiar with the product. They also must have to have a license to practice within their industry. Finally, they should have some experience with social media marketing to ensure that they can market the Booksy message.

Outside of those requirements, we haven't written anything in stone. Obviously the Booksy Ambassador Program has goals and categories that we’re focused on. But there’s no prescribed formula—meaning that checking a bunch of arbitrary boxes simply isn’t necessary, said Tas.

Consider growing your business like never before. Join forces with some of the biggest and brightest stars in the industry. And to help shed a little more light on some of the things we consider, when a person applies to be a Booksy Ambassador, here’s a few questions that we often ask:

Questions We Ask Potential Ambassadors:


To take your career to the next level by applying to join the Booksy Ambassador team by emailing us at Or feel free to ask your local Booksy rep to refer your business. Also know that you can click the following link to continue learning about the Booksy Ambassador program: Our Ambassadors: Masters of their Craft.


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