Turn Your Salon Retail Display Into Loved Customer Experiences – 7 Simple, Creative Tips

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As a salon owner you may be looking for creative, new ways to grow your already-thriving small business.

Building, expanding, or switching up your retail display is one of them.

But why, retail displays, you ask?

As a salon owner, you’re in the perfect position to help people look and feel their best! That’s what your customers look forward to, after all, when they come to see you.

Not to mention, your customers trust you—some may even travel from far away to come visit you because they love what you have to offer, so much. So why not send your in-salon experience home with them?

Your retail display has the position to change peoples’ lives while also boosting your business’s bottom line. That’s an incredible ‘win,’ on all sides.

So how do you create a retail display experience that consumers actually care about?
The short answer: heighten the experience.

Here are 7 creative ideas for you to create a stand-out retail display.

1. Sell products that make everyday moments, better

Self-care is about taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional states. It’s about enjoying the moment, focusing on the small details, and taking time to decompress.

The challenge that we face—yes, you too, small business owner extraordinaire—is that we don’t have enough free time. So why not introduce your customers to products that fit into their everyday lives?

Sell products that help people bring new experiences to everyday routines.

In your display, don’t just feature the product—consider featuring a small sign or placard with information. Explain why it’s valuable, what benefit buyers will get, and how consumers will feel better from using it. Give people a reason to see a new story in their everyday lives.

As an example, consider typing up a few descriptions that you print on a 3×5 card. Here’s what you’ll want to share:

Give people a sense of what the experience will be, and speak to their imaginations.

2. Curate unique products

Don’t have time to research all of the available products out there?

That’s a good thing. There are way too many salon products out there for you to get to know. As a small business owner, you need to save your amazing brain for everything else in your life that matters.

You know what’s also awesome?

Your customers don’t have time to try out new products, either. They’re relying on your expertise to find that perfect “thing.” They trust and value what you have to offer.

One way to delight and wow them is to focus on hand-curating a few unique items that people can’t find anywhere else. Don’t just sell what everyone else is selling. Offer something different that you personally love.

3. Teach people new routines

Your first job title is stylist.

Your second job title is business owner.

Your third—and most important—job title is magician.

That’s because you get to make people look awesome for a living. There’s always a moment of magic and delight the first time a happy customer looks in the mirror. It’s these instances that make you love your job.

The tools and tricks of the trade may be routine to you. But they’re likely life-changing to your customers.

Why not share some of the process behind the scenes of your magic? For instance, you could introduce someone to a product that cuts down 30 minutes of styling time. Imagine what 30 minutes of extra sleep or exercise could do for your favorite clients.

You’ll transform more than just a person’s hair. You might even add extra years to their lifespans.

Magic, right?

When you have someone in a chair in front of you, offer more than conversation. Introduce products as part of new routines and healthy habits that your salon clients can take home.

Show the products in action when you’re washing or styling their hair, for instance. This way, your clients have an opportunity to try your products in action, before they commit to a purchase decision.

4. Offer to give before you sell

Don’t just show your product. Walk your talk. Give people a chance to test drive what you’re selling. Make people happy, in unexpected ways by engaging the senses: sight, smell, and touch. These could be moments when you’re shampooing their hair, conditioning, or trying out a new style.

Share free samples after every service. Introduce your long-time customer to something new. Surprise people with new sensations, smells, and tactile feelings of “awesome” that they didn’t expect to have. After all, brain scientists tell us that surprises are good for human minds and hearts.

Surprise all of your clients’ human senses.

5. Give your retail display an online life

Most likely, even your best customers stop by every once in a while. So how do you keep their business and ensure that your personal relationships stay strong?

One important step is to keep the conversation going through online marketing channels like email and social media. Give people a reason to stop by.

As an example, take a look at the following Instagram post from Edo Salon, one of the most well-known hair salons in the world—loved for their unique shag haircuts and color studio— in San Francisco.

Simple posts like these give people a reason to stop by your salon and make a purchase. Tell a #selfcare story about your unique product line. Give people a reason to find care about what you sell—by showing how much you care about them. Some ideas:

Get people excited about your business and give them an excuse to stop by your salon.

6. Do your part in caring for the environment

As a small business, you’re in a unique position to influence global change by adopting greener, sustainable practices. You might be excited to learn that an environmentally conscious brand is good for your business.

The reason?

There’s growing evidence that consumers of all ages and demographic groups favor businesses that care about the environment.

There are a few ways to incorporate these ideas:

As an example, take a look at one of the shelves from Glasshouse Salon in East London, which focuses on long-term hair health. The salon operates both a local and online storefront with natural organic and sustainably-minded beauty and lifestyle products. See the store for yourself on Instagram:


All products are unique, one-of-a-kind, good for the environment, and support independent artisans. The company takes an active role in teaching people how to be more sustainable, through the products that it carries.

7. Host workshops that use the products that you sell

Small businesses are staples in their neighborhoods and local economies. Owning a salon, means that you have access to a space in which you can bring people together. You have a place to host community events, any time, which means that you won’t need to pay for expensive event space.


Consider hosting an evening or weekend event for people to attend after work. This could be a workshop for styling your hair a certain way or learning a new routine, for instance. You could even event a local teacher or expert to come share new strategies for self-care. You’ll increase foot traffic to your store and give people a chance to see what you’re selling on your retail display, in action.

Use your imagination, serve snacks and drinks, and create a fun environment for people in your community to come together, learn, have fun, and create common interests together.

Final Thoughts

Think of your salon’s retail display as an experience first and foremost. Rather than simply promoting products, your goal is to appeal to the whole human. That means engaging all five senses through beautiful lighting, interesting textures, smells, and even tastes.

Growing your salon’s revenue isn’t about pushing sales. It’s about meeting people where they are and building deep, meaningful connections. Beyond selling items, seek to improve your customers’ quality of life. Aim to delight them. If you focus on creating this alignment, you’ll see a feedback loop into the transactional outcomes that you’re able to generate.

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