Juggling a Busy Schedule Behind the Chair and Beyond

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Industry professionals are without a doubt people who know how to juggle a busy schedule. For many beauty experts, running a business, educating on stage, networking at conferences, and committing countless hours to side hustles has simply become second nature.

Luis Chevere is a perfect example of this industry norm. In addition to styling hair, teaching thousands of beauty professionals, attending trade shows, and running a clothing line—Luis is a professional athlete who defies gravity every time he steps inside a wrestling ring.

Residents throughout San Antonio, Texas know Luis as a hip stylist with cool tats of ghosts, goblins, and witches. More importantly, loyal clients and industry pros love his hybrid-style technique. Luis has perfected the art of using clippers to create the absolute freshest of fades. But he also uses shears to carefully sculpt every hairstyle with an unmatched level of precision. 

Despite his prowess behind the chair, Luis spends his nights and weekends preparing to entertain the dedicated fans who attend his professional wrestling matches. Much like his work in the salon, his distinctive stage presence is hard to pin down. Though, onlookers would probably describe Luis as a bonafide rockstar with the rebellious attitude of a Hells  Angel biker.  

Take a moment to read a one-of-a-kind story about a unique Booksy Ambassador, who learned to use Booksy to help him juggle an almost overwhelmingly busy schedule, while keeping his appointment book brimming with returning clients and his wrestling fans cheering for more. 


Industry Expert by Day and Wrestling Pro at Night

At this stage in the game, juggling a busy schedule is an everyday task to Luis. And the same is true for his wife Kristen Chevere, who runs Now Salon in Fair Oaks, Texas. Inside the shop that they own and operate, this power couple creates textured cuts, fierce side shaves, and flexible pompadours quite literally with the flick of their wrists. 

But the same hands that make styling look easy are used to throw appointments into the air and pin athletes into submission. Four days a week, after spending hours in the shop, they hit the gym for exactly 90 minutes. Then they head to Hybrid  School of Wrestling, a 5,000-square-foot former warehouse facility, where they spend another three hours training with head trainer Chris Marvel and several other experienced coaches. 

The goal of their training is to learn the physical and psychological aspects of wrestling, which includes creating an original persona. Inside the ring, fans know Luis as Alexander Crowlen, a dark necromancer with a penchant for mischief. And Kristen plays his wife Lilith. 

Together their characters use dark arts to lead their group of followers, who in reality are their fans. So, whenever the two enter the ring, the crowd goes wild with colorful cheers and playful boos. In his most recent match that just happened in June, Luis wrestled Trey Miguel, an Impact Wrestler with a respectable fan base of 23,000 Instagram followers who is a close friend of Luis.  

“I was fortunate to have this match, and I'm still high off the night, because it went so well. Trey technically won, because I was disqualified. So, legally, he won the match. But when you see the story, I was more triumphant in the sense that I was standing tall with Lilith by my side,” said Luis.

Juggling a Busy Schedule 

Despite the fact that Luis has a day to day life that’s out of this world in the best way possible, he surprisingly plans his busy schedule using a number of practical techniques. And all of his organizational advice applies to virtually any industry professional with a lot on their plate. 

“So, it's important in my opinion to write everything down. And that means I'm a big list person. I pretty much write lists for everything. I even write lists, for my days off—that's how big of a list person I personally am. And I hit each goal in order of what I want to achieve,” said Luis.

Luis added that even more importantly, it’s okay for industry professionals to remember to rest. Don't overdo things, he said. Because from personal experience, overworking to a point that compromises mental health takes away from the sense of accomplishment at achieving a goal.

“Kristen and I are super busy running the salon, training four days a week, spending time with family and friends, and then trying to make time for each other. It gets overwhelming at times. But we remember what we want to achieve and how far we’ve come. So, to keep making progress we'll take a step back. And we'll just take a break,” said Luis.

The third and final piece of advice that Luis offered was to keep track of your goals. Even if the goal isn’t always very specific, he added. For him, the goal is to keep working with amazing people both in the salon industry and the world of wrestling. 

“The names are just endless, of people and companies that we've forged relationships with. If there's an end goal, that’s definitely ours. We always want to keep working with the people who have become our friends and expand that network into something bigger,” Luis said.


How Booksy Helps Manage a Busy Schedule

Out of the many tools that Luis uses to juggle his busy schedule, Booksy is at the top of his list. And that’s because Booksy helps Luis make updates to his schedule with ease. But in a way that’s also transparent, so clients can continue to book appointments without any hassle.

“I'm in the salon twice a week, every Friday and Saturday. And that's usually when shows run. So, if we have to go out of town for a show, then I have to block out a Friday or Saturday. And this is actually one of my favorite things about Booksy. I can open up my schedule for the Thursday before I leave town or the Sunday when I get back. That way, I'm not losing a full day. I just adjust my work schedule and invite clients into the salon on a different day,” Luis said.

Booksy works perfectly for Luis because roughly 98% of his clients feel comfortable navigating through the software, he said. And that makes it easier to manage a busy schedule. Barbers and stylists who have to attend an industry event or spend time on another professional venture can easily open the app and simply make adjustments to their schedules, said Luis.

Already, Luis is mastering Booksy Biz Pro, which is the newly updated software. It’s designed to help professionals manage their busy schedules. A few of the updates include more than 20 new Reports, improvements to the Calendar, and additional Marketing Tools. The new upgrade also includes Advanced Staff Management features and a simplified Checkout feature.

Booksy Biz Pro makes it easier for Luis to navigate through the software, which saves valuable time. “I like the fact that everything is really easy to get to. You can see your analytics. You can see your sales. Everything is there on the right side of the screen, as opposed to how it was before, where you had to kind of click through the app. Now, everything is easy to find,” he said.

Looking Toward the Future

The next step for Luis and his wife Kristen is to continue moving forward. Kristen has decided to apply her business management skills to the world of wrestling by managing Luis. And at the moment, Luis is training hard for a huge match that takes place in Oklahoma on August 27th.

“We're really excited for it, because it's going to be our first show out of state. And Oklahoma's where Kristen was born. So, she has some family out there who will come and see the show. It'll be cool to have more family and friends there like Kristen's mom and my wrestling partner Casey Blackrose,” said Luis. 

When it comes to traveling, Luis has seen the world. He has taught industry newcomers in Montreal, Russia, Canada, Ireland, and London. And although he plans to focus more on the business side of the salon in Texas, that doesn’t mean slowing down. In fact, he plans to kick up his training regime to get leaner and meaner, while still creating sleek haircuts and bold hairstyles that turn all the right heads.

“There's always going to be hurdles. There's always going to be people who are going to say, you can't do this or that. Or there will be people who are going to try to bring you down for whatever reason. And there's always going to be downs before things go back up—it's like a roller coaster. But the most important thing for us is that we stay balanced. We don't give up and we just push through to keep achieving, because that’s what’s important,” said Luis.


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