Cash register and POS upgrades from Booksy

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Want your online records to keep track of what is in your cash register? Interested in even simpler checkouts and sales history? Booksy has more new features to manage the financial side of your business.

Cash register

No more worrying whether the numbers add up or trying to keep track of your funds with multiple systems and spreadsheets. Now you can open, automatically maintain, and close your cash register right from Booksy! With the Cash Register feature enabled, Booksy links all of your cash payments directly to your register, reducing the risk of human error. If you add money to the till or need to pay out some cash (e.g. to a courier), you can also manually make adjustments to your figures. Plus, you can always generate reports for your records.

How to use the cash register feature on Booksy

To get the cash register set up, log into your account through Then go to Settings > Retail/Sales and turn on Enable Cash Register. 

Once the cash register is enable, go to Sales > Cash Register> Open Register to start using it. In the Cash Opening Float window, put in how much money is currently in the register. From here, just charge appointments as you normally would and the register will handle the rest. To add or subtract money from the register, just click on the Cash in/out button in the upper right corner. Then at the end of the day click on the open register and select Close Register.

New Sale and Sales History

We've already made it simple to checkout appointments and review your sales history. However, we've taken the first of many steps to make this process even faster and more user-friendly. New Sale and Sales History are easier to find, clearer to read, and nearly effortless to use. Moving from a sales task to another task has also been improved. We've made just enough changes here to improve how the features work... without upsetting your current workflow. We'll keep introducing small changes to give you big results in the long run.

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