BDG and Booksy: Delivering the best to the industry

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In our previous article we discussed the formation of the Barber Development Group. Here you will learn more about how this group works.

What does BDG have to offer its members?

A forum with well-documented Q&As, webinars, chats and tutorials, along with live seminars and conferences in popular locations, product discounts and much, much more.

This translates into:

  1. Optimal skills: BDG comprises many of the leading educators in the industry, including Educator of the Year, Joshua Lamonaca. Not only that, but the group brings together a myriad of talents and trendsetters to explore every possible avenue of the craft. This makes it the perfect place to learn a new skill, refine an existing one, and keep your finger on the pulse of the barbering world.
  2. Optimal connections: There is the phrase “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” Though perhaps a bit strong, your connections shape who you are as a professional. BDG connects hard-working, curious and talented barbers from all over world who share a vision for their business and the industry as a whole. More than that, BDG shows you how to connect with others outside of the group using cost-effective marketing and social media techniques. Need more?
  3. Optimal tools: Some of the connections you get from BDG include the product and resources necessary for building your business, including Booksy. And that's because you’ve carefully selected your products to get the right results with your cuts. Now you’ll have access to the finest supplies in the industry, learn what the best tools are for the business side of your trade, and you’ll get them all at wayyyy better prices.
  4. Optimal earnings: Making it big in the industry is as much about your business savvy as it is about your barbering skills. Taking your business to the next level financially can be daunting, especially if you don’t know what steps to take and what to avoid. Who better to learn from than a group of barbers who have opened up multiple shops and Finance Guru Kieran Egan? Plus, once the money inevitably rolls in, the group and Booksy can provide you with the tools to manage it wisely.

What makes BDG different from other programs?

Experience and education. There are organizations across the globe which cater to communities of barbers, but no other group places such emphasis on the caliber of the information being presented to its members. 

That is why there is a screening process for applicants and all of the mentors of the program have earned their spots by skill and accomplishment, not by paying membership dues. “You can’t buy hard work” is a large part of Mark’s philosophy. 

You may not be able to buy hard work, but with a team of experts that have worked out the best practices, you can invest into a plan that makes sure your hard work has you headed in the right direction.

Here’s where Booksy comes in

BDG and Booksy share a common belief: success in barbering takes hard work, but with the right approach and proper resources, this goal becomes highly achievable. We’ve mentioned that BDG wants to connect you with the tools you need to take the next step. 

“It is one thing to have knowledge; it’s another to implement it,” says Mark. When it comes to appointment management systems, Booksy has worked the most with barbers worldwide to help them implement the changes they need to be successful. 

From business organization to client outreach to financial management, we continue to learn from brilliant barbers like the BDG mentors and develop new tutorials and features to support their goals. Just as we work closely with our barbers, we are honored to work with BDG towards the betterment of individual barbers and of the profession as a whole. 

If you are looking to move forward with your business, the first step is always education. Visit BDG worldwide as well as Booksy to explore the possibilities for your business.

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