5 Quarters and Counting: Interview with Jake Hillery

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Jake Hillery is an inspirational Booksy professional who has created an empire in very little time. Barely 6 months after graduating from London School of Barbering Jake opened his first barbershop and 18 months later he had 4. With 5 shops under his belt and a growing barbering academy, it seems that he’s just getting started. Read more about his success story below.

What lead you to become a barber? 

I used to get my hair-cut in my friend’s barbershop, Dapper Chaps, and I saw the crack and the great environment they worked in; they got to dress cool and had a laugh all day. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I had always been into my fashion so I decided to give it a go and never looked back! 

What’s the best thing about being a barber? 

Definitely the customers! Every client has a different story, people's lives are so interesting! 

What drives you to go further? 

Just myself. I’m always trying to outdo myself, I am my own competition. 

What do you think is the key to success? 

Positive thinking, if you have doubts you won't take the risk.

How did you find out about Booksy?

I remember a barbershop that I used to go to had it and I thought the automatic texts were brilliant. 

Had you tried any other similar systems before? If so, what was the reason you chose Booksy? 

We tried using a paper diary, haha - it wasn't very organised, we searched for others but Booksy looked by far the best. 

What’s your favourite feature? 

The blast messages as you can send offers, reminders and inform customers of important changes. 

What other features have you found you like? 

The ability to have pictures of the staff is really cool as it’s clear who has appointments in the calendar and means that clients can book in with their favourite barber, even if they don’t know their name. 

What kind of changes have you noticed since using Booksy? 

We have been getting bookings from people searching the Booksy marketplace as they have liked the look of The Quarters. 

How long before you started noticing these changes?

 It wasn’t long, within a few weeks. 

How has your work/life balance changed? 

Booksy has been a lot of help, my Customer Success agent, Elias, has given me a helping hand which has also taken a lot of weight off my shoulders. Owning 5 shops can be time-consuming but now I have time for me.

What do your clients like about the app? 

The convenience of not having to call and wait on the phone as we look through the diary. 

Would you recommend Booksy to others in the industry? 

Yes! I always refer Booksy to my barber friends and other people like tattooists etc. 

What are your plans for the future of The Gentleman's Quarters? 

I would like to branch out into a city and to develop my academy further that has taught over 20 students so far. 

If you could have anyone in your chair, who would it be and why? 

My pappy, Tom, he passed away when I was 15. He was a great businessman as well and I would like him to see what I have achieved.

What are your most memorable moments so far? 

Being in the newspaper for the council stopping me giving out alcohol to clients! 

Have you got any tips/advice for inspiring barbers? 

Go for it, don't have any doubts, positive mindset and happy vibes! 

What do you admire within the barbering industry? 

The passion, people make barbering their hobby as well as their job which is the way to go! 

Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

Follow me on Instagram - I’m always happy to give tips and advice to anybody looking to open a shop or that wants to get into barbering. I believe helping people will alway brings good Karma!

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