Use Booksy as an Art Gallery

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If you are still not sure how to make the most out of Booksy, we have another suggestion for you. Some ways to get more use out of the app is to use it as an ‘Art Gallery’ to promote your work while at the same time getting inspired by other profiles created through Booksy. Continue reading to get a better idea about how to use Booksy for this specific purpose.

Browse through other profiles

Using Booksy for inspiration works in both ways – it’s a way to exchange ideas. Not only are you aiming to inspire others, but you can get inspired yourself, as a business owner or barber, by browsing through the profiles of other barber shops. Browse through the profile of the highest rated barber shop to gain insight on how to improve your own business and become the best barber in town!

Show off your clients’ haircuts

Make a photo gallery of stylish haircuts your barbers have given on your business’s Booksy profile to show off your barbers’ skills. This is a good way to draw attention to your business, impress people, and gain new customers. Additionally, inspire other barbers and business owners by posting your most outstanding creations. Show your best and most creative side.<

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