The Time is Right: December Promotion Ideas

Article with ideas for nail business names
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'Tis the season to be jolly! This holiday season means time with loved ones AND great promotional opportunities for your business. Here are some fun ideas to help you pick up a bit of extra spending money for your holiday plans (and some quirky ones for the fun of it).

Quirky and Unique Holidays

December 4- National Sock Day

A weird one, but perhaps a fun opportunity for people to wear their silliest (or warmest) socks in the shop? You could also use it as a way to bring out Christmas stockings. Also, this might be a great time to offer a promotion on pedicures/foot treatments/shoe shines.

December 6- St. Nicholas Day

The original international holiday for the real 'Ol St. Nick (aka Santa Claus). This is one more opportunity to have little treats for any kids in your shop.

December 10- International Human Rights Day

Here's a noble holiday for you (and Nobel- it's also Nobel Prize Day). Make the day a fundraiser and get clients involved with helping you raise money for a cause you believe in. The season IS about giving and good will, after all.Can't do December 10th? December 20th is International Human Solidarity Day. :)

December 15- Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

As far as we're concerned, every day in December should be Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. But officially, this honor is always reserved for the third Friday of the month. So give out discounts to everyone in the donning their most garish apparel... and perhaps have a tip war to determine which staff member has the best ugly sweater.

Food Holidays

Looking for some ways to incorporate yummy holiday treats into your shop? Start with the 12th with Gingerbread House Day. Then on the 13th you have Cocoa Day. On December 16th, you have Chocolate-Covered Everything Day. Finally, if your sweet tooth hasn't been satisfied yet, there is Eggnog Day on the 24th. :)

Celebrations for Everyone

Clients will have a little more time and motivation for looking their best for upcoming gatherings, and it's a great way to liven up the shop. No matter what you do or do not celebrate, there is an occasion for you! Pick any combination for a truly festive season.

December 13-20 Chanukah/Hanukkah

December 23- Festivus

Festivus for the rest of us! This may need a bit more backstory (see source). All you need for this holiday is the Festivus Pole (no decorations), the airing of grievances, and feats of strength. Stop crying and fight your father!

December 24-26 Christmas Eve, Christmas, and Boxing Day

December 26-1 Kwanzaa

December 31- New Year's Eve

You certainly can't forget this one! New start, new resolutions, and often times a new look to go with the outlook (plus the desire to look one's best at New Year's Eve parties). This is definitely one you want to regularly advertise and highlight any slots that may free up from cancellations. Plus, when they're in the mood to create new habits, why not have them set a recurring appointment to maintain their look?

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