Massage Therapy Tips From Booksy users

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Massage therapists are one of the largest types of businesses using Booksy. With so many massage therapists starting up shop, what better way to celebrate them than to pick their brains?

We asked a few Booksy users about their top tips for other massage therapists. For Annette, who has over 100 Booksy reviews, it was about the clients.

“Never forget the basics, develop your own style, treat every massage like it is your first one, and remain client centered.”

Annette, Savvy Girl Massage, NY

For Alan, who has been working in the massage industry for over 20 years, it was also about the clients:

“To truly be a successful therapist, it is vital to understand that this work is 3% about all the massage, anatomy and technical skills you have learned, and 97% about relationship - the ability to put your clients at ease and feel safe, to listen to what your client wants during the session and deliver those things, to be attentive to the little things that lets your client know you really care. More than anything else, relationship skills will determine your success.”

Alan, Intuitive Bodywork Massage Therapy, PA

And, for a third time (unsurprisingly), it was about the clients for Theresa, who has been using Booksy for over six years:

“Serve your clients. Over and over and over again, take really, really good care of the clients you have. Even if you only have a couple. If you focus on doing everything you can for your clients, your business will (eventually) build itself.

And be patient. It takes a long time. Just keep going.”

Theresa, Theresa Zordan, CO

What would be your top tip for massage therapists starting out? Comment on Facebook or Twitter to let us know!

And here’s our completely unbiased tip: find a way to make your life easier by using an online scheduling solution, such as Booksy! We take the hard parts out of managing a business, and give you more time to do what you love. Try our 14-day free trial and see for yourself!

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