How To Stay Motivated And Achieve Your Goals

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If you’re reading this, you’re probably feeling like a lot of people. Exhausted. Unmotivated. Stressed. And that’s a pretty normal feeling for business owners who have hit a slump. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall, trying to figure out how to get your motivation to the same point it was at when you started. And we’re not going to lie, it can be difficult. But it’s about what you do next that matters.

Connect with others

You’re not alone in this feeling, so it’s always a good idea to find other business owners like yourself to catch up with. You can talk about your woes and your wins, and can relate to each other. When you realize how normal it is to feel unmotivated, you can start working on getting your motivation back up, and laugh about it with others in the same position. Motivate each other, push each other. If you need help, ask for it.

Think about why you started

Write it down. Go on, get out a pen and paper and write down why you started your business in the first place. And, while you’re at it, write down the pros of owning and operating your own business, such as the relationships you have with your clients, the fact you can choose your own holidays, how all the hard-earned money you’ve made is yours (unless if you also have staff, of course!). Think about how great your industry is, the place you work from, the people you’ve met, and how far you’ve come. That alone should put a smile on your face!

Give yourself a reward

If you’re really feeling down, then perhaps you need to give yourself incentives (other than making money at work). So, for example, you could reward yourself with a massage (from one of our Genbookers, of course) if you write a blog post for your business. You could give yourself an hour’s nap on a Sunday afternoon once you get ten people booking Last Minute Bookings. You could treat yourself to a movie with a friend or loved one if you make a certain amount of money for your business in one week. An incentive is a great way for you to lift your spirits, get moving, and get stuff done! If you don’t want to think of it as a reward, think of it as a celebration.

Figure out what’s stopping you

Analyze why you’re feeling unmotivated, and break it down into easy-to-accomplish pieces. If it’s that you’ve just got too much to do, say no to some things and yes to others. If you’re not sure why you’re feeling this way, talk to others to determine what’s going on. People can sometimes let their lack of motivation take over their whole lives, so it’s good to get on top of it while you can.

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