How To Deal With Impostor Syndrome

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Perhaps you’ve felt a weird feeling in your stomach, or your mind has played games, saying things like “You don’t deserve to own a company” or “You don’t have enough experience to do this”.

Impostor syndrome. It’s a nasty feeling that can take over people’s lives and careers, where they feel they’re just not good enough to be doing what they’re doing. So, how can you combat it?

Recognize it

Understanding the feeling is the first step to dealing with imposter syndrome. Do you often find it hard to accept compliments when it comes to your work? Do you feel like someone else deserves to have your role? Do you constantly compare yourself to other people?

If you nodded your head to all three, then you’re joining thousands of people feeling the same way.

Discuss it

You’re definitely not alone when it comes to impostor syndrome. Plenty of people feel the same way, even that woman who owns a business that has turned into a franchise, or that guy who’s got a client list you wish you had. They all stop sometimes and think “Do I have enough training to do this?”, “Why do people keep making appointments with me?”, and “Surely they know I’m a fraud, right?”.

The more you discuss it, the more you’ll understand that so many people are going through the exact same thing. And that way, you’ll realize you’re not alone in the feeling.

Address it

Facing impostor syndrome head on is the best way to deal with it. Understand that you are feeling this way, greet the feeling, and then whack it down. When the thought bubbles up, imagine you’re playing ‘Whack A Mole’, and push the thought away. The negative thoughts can sometimes try to overpower you, but only you can control whether it succeeds. Remind yourself how great you are, how your clients keep coming back, how many Genbook reviews you have, and you’ll be on your way to quashing that negativity.

Work it

Sometimes, imposter syndrome can work to your advantage. It’s better to be humble than arrogant. Imposter syndrome will set you apart because you’ll be hungry for clients, hungry for work, and hungry for praise. This means you’ll work harder than others, and people will notice. But don’t fall prey to the syndrome, there’s definitely a line that you need to make to determine how much you’ll let it consume you.

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