Why you should spend more time thinking about spa logo design

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Like most spa specialists, after a few years of working in the trade, you may feel as though the spa industry is the perfect place to call home. But if you’re aspiring to go beyond working for someone and starting your own holistic business, you’ve got a lot of planning ahead of you. Everything from your business’s location and treatment list, to the name and expenses needed to be made prior to opening, has to be taken into account. However, there is one tiny aspect that is often gone over in haste, and that’s planning your spa logo design. Obviously, your logo plays an essential part in your business’s branding, however, there are a number of reasons why you ought to spend more time thinking about spa logo ideas.

They form your brand image

When you first decide to open your own spa business, you don’t plan on a short-term run - you want your brand to prosper for years to come! You take your time in coming up with potential treatment options, the interior design of your spa, a possible theme, all of which create your brand image - however, so does your logo! A luxury, holistic spa that focuses on aromatherapy and unique massage treatments shouldn’t be represented by a pixelated and poor quality logo created for £10.

Additionally, your logo is going to be used everywhere - on your social media fan pages, business cards, website and online booking page, and rebranding can oftentimes be a costly endeavour. If your fan pages are filled with quality pictures of your massage rooms, neatly packed home care kits and a welcoming reception area, but your logo resonates "back-alley massage business", your brand image is going to be conflicting. This can also be said about having an elaborate and elegant spa logo design, with the business itself not being as upscale. In this case, you ought to design a spa logo which goes hand in hand with your business as a whole.

Your spa name and logo should correlate with one another

When coming up with your spa logo ideas, one route that you may have considered taking is creating a logo using your spa business name. Now, if you hear spa names such as "The Hidden Haven", "An Aromatic Journey" or "The Opulent Oasis", your first thought might be: "sounds rather luxurious" - and you might not be wrong. In this case, it is essential that the logo also resonates the same image. If your spa name is used in the logo and you’re looking to present your business as a luxury spa, then you should be consistent. By choosing a font like Comic Sans or Jean Sun Ho Medium, you might diminish your business’s appeal to more exclusive clients. That’s not to say that these types of fonts should not be used in your spa logo - they just ought to match your image.

Originality is key

Every spa owner wants their business to stand out from their competitors. With an interesting theme, a creative name and a logo that’s all about your business, it’s definitely possible. But there’s one thing that you ought to keep in mind - making sure your logo is original as well. What do we mean by this? Refraining from generic clipart or logos that have cookie-cutter elements to it. Why? Other than it making your spa look less upscale, your competition might simply be making use of a similar design, which may confuse potential clients.

When it comes to an original logo, less is more - after all, spas are known for permeating an air of calmness and therefore logos that are chaotic and overused don’t necessarily match this theme. Instead, consider experimenting with your initials, implementing aspects of your treatments into the logo (e.g. stones on top of one another to represent a hot stone treatment) or incorporating a design into your spa name (for example, using "The Opulent Oasis", replace the "O" in "oasis" with a circular pond surrounded by trees). This way, your logo becomes creative and one of a kind.

Marketing tactics

If you have a unique logo that simply envelopes your entire business theme, then you might want to go a step further and use it for marketing purposes. If you sell body oils, candles, vouchers or other retail products, you may want to consider purchasing stickers with your logo on them and sticking them onto these products. Clients who purchase them will love having a little something to take home from your business and will associate your logo with fond memories.

Additionally, if you use a spa program like Booksy, you can sell gift cards and take bookings online - it is also advisable that you share your logo in your profile, so that your clients know that the purchases and bookings they make are backed by quality. If a reliable spa system is also on your list of things to get for opening your business, sign up for Booksy for free and see how easy it is to run and manage your spa from the get-go!

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