50 best spa name ideas (and mistakes you should avoid when naming your business)

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Choosing a name for your spa is an integral part of creating its branding - and a very important one. It’s one of the first pieces of information on your business that a potential client receives when looking for a place to visit, so it has to represent its qualities. It cannot be denied that the competition on the market is huge - the name you will choose for your spa can determine whether it will get lost in the multitude of other businesses offering similar services or if it will be commercially successful. It has nothing to do with the actual quality of services you provide - it’s a pure matter of good branding. You can offer the most groundbreaking treatments on the planet, but if your name doesn’t sound tempting, no one will never know. Sure, great marketing and a ton of gleaming reviews may fix it in the future, but why start the race from the last spot, when you can place yourself on pole position? Are you rebranding or opening a spa? Let’s take a look at a list of 50 cool spa names and determine the mistakes you should stay away from if you want to catch the attention of your clients!

What determines a good spa name?

What are the characteristics of a money-making spa name? It should fit all four of these criteria:

You also have to remember that whether or not a given name fits these criteria will depend on your personal situation. Let’s take a closer look at these characteristics and further analyse how they affect the naming process.


A name is truly memorable when it not only sticks with the potential client after they encounter it for the first time, but also when it is easy to recall in its full capacity. For example, a name like “spa4u” may seem memorable, but after the initial curiosity it sparks, it’s actually hard to recall its proper spelling. The client will likely try to type combinations like “spaforyou”, “spa4you”, “spa four you” and will grow more and more frustrated. Additionally, when deprived of unusual spelling, the name itself isn’t even really original - so the client in question will probably find tons of businesses with the same name, just spelt differently. It will only add to the overall confusion. A truly memorable name is one that does not only appeal to a potential client at the moment, but stays with them for good - in its full glory.


“Memorability” and “originality” may seem interchangeable, but actually, they are not the same trait. Yes, oftentimes they go hand-in-hand, but it happens that a memorable name is not original or an original name is not really memorable. There are loads of great inspirational sources when it comes to spa names. Ideas can spring up from the Internet, including puns, such as “Sparadise”. It’s super memorable and seems very original… until you google it. Suddenly, it turns out that there are dozens of Sparadises all around the globe. Is it a problem? Now, it depends - we mentioned before that each of the good spa name characteristics is relative. It depends on many variables, and in this case - on your local competition. You need to do some research - if your spa turns out the only “Sparadise” in your county, then the name truly is original. But if another business using the name pops up in your area, then it’s best to let it go.


The name you choose has to fit your business - it’s a fact that sounds so obvious that you may not pay it another thought. But there’s more to this rule than it may seem! Certain words bring certain feelings, emotions, connotations and - as the younger generation calls it - vibes. Your spa name has to vibe with your business on many levels. Now, it’s best to discuss it with examples. Let’s take a look at “A Spa Garden”. It’s a very pretty name - hearing or reading it for the first time, the potential client thinks of magnificent gardens and forces of nature. Then, they arrive at your spa and see that you are very much into industrial design and the only flower is that poor dying petunia on the receptionist’s desk. Or you go with “A Peaceful Escape” and then your spa is all about a more active and energetic approach, with music playing loudly all day long. Or maybe you go with “Waterfalls Spa” and don’t have a single treatment that involves water. Or you opt for “A Lake View Spa” and the closest water reservoir in your neighbourhood is three blocks away (and it’s a sewage treatment plant). Or choose “Spa Plein de Vie”, because it sounds so chic, but not a single one of your employees (you included) speak French. It can go on and on. Even if your treatments are excellent, they may not be what your potential clients expect when they see your banner or ad in social media. It’s especially important when it comes to names that suggest the price range of your services. With a name like “A Luxurious Moment” you may deter people with a smaller budget, while “Mean Steam Spa” will probably not attract more upscale clientele. Fit the name to your target goal!

Cultural sensibility

Finally, let’s talk about names that are insensitive or straight-up offensive. Again, this is a nuanced topic. Many treatments offered by spas have their origins in different cultures - and if you are not a part of the culture in question, you have to be very careful to not use its “exoticness” as a token. For you, it may seem fun, exciting and different, but for a person that actually comes from this cultural background, it might have a much deeper (oftentimes religious) meaning and they may be offended by you treating it as a marketing gimmick. If you are offering such treatments, it’s always best to either employ specialists who originate from this culture, respect it, or have the right experience with it, or at least have someone originating from this culture to educate you and your team. And when it comes to names - simply avoid using terminology you are not deeply familiar with (yes, “Nirvana”, “Namaste” and “Karma” count as well) and forget that the word “exotic” even exists.

50 cool spa names you are here for

Now that you know what to look for, let’s list some great samples.

Now that you know everything about naming your business, don’t forget to get familiar with the biggest name in the world of spa business software - Booksy. It’s the best system on the market that meets all the needs of a spa owner - from appointment scheduling to room and equipment management. Try it for yourself and see how much easier spa management can be!

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