Should you run a salon blog? Of course!

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The way we communicate with one another has evolved so much in the recent years that it is easy to get lost in everything. Today, almost all of us post pictures, share videos, tag friends and use hashtags to get a point across. However, there is one practical form of communication that has withstood the test of time and technological advancements - the blog. There is a sense of nostalgia when you come across a blog, and yet, it is still a highly effective form of communication.

Instead of getting lost in the flood of new forms of communication, the blog has evolved as well. Today, blogs are prevalent in the form of Youtube videos, Facebook fan pages, Tumblr and Instagram posts, which number in the BILLIONS. This also creates the perfect opportunity for salon owners and beauty specialists to truly shine, as many have worked their way into becoming beauty brand promoters and influencers in the industry. But before you jump in, there are a few things you should take into account.

What you need to know

For salon owners, running a blog is perfect for interacting with your potential clients and can be a fun activity - however, there are a few things you should ask yourself before you begin:

So how exactly can running a blog benefit salon owners? For those that are looking to increase client loyalty, grow brand awareness, promote a product, service or their salon altogether - blogging is the answer. 

Getting started

Every salon owner has one common goal in mind when improving their business, and that is growth. An active blog can help grow your business, but in order to do so, you must pay special attention to the content, as well as the channels of distribution. Running a written blog on your website is a good start, but its reach is limited to the people who find themselves on your page, and not all of them will check out your latest entry. Instead, be creative and open to posting your entries in entirely new spaces, like Youtube or a Facebook group, but remember not to lose sight of your goal! Try to be dynamic when creating the content - sticking to one format will make your readers quickly lose interest. Create a variety of topics, meant to interest everyone, like your personal beard care tips for men, favorite products for home use, or start a poll on your blog, asking readers what products or services they would like to see at your salon. 

More loyal clients!

Can a blog truly improve customer loyalty? Of course! Loyalty is gained through trust, and what better way to establish it than through a blog that provides readers insight into your day-to-day? Video entries are perfect for this, as they give your salon a human face and show clients positive emotions behind every chair.

Your level of expertise is another reason - post videos on social media of you performing a treatment, while explaining the work process. Additionally, you may want to consider creating competitions with products, free treatments or amount vouchers as rewards - make sure to announce the rules for winning on your blog. Customers who actively take part in salon competitions are more loyal to your business and will love visiting you even more!

Promotional activities

When it comes to promotional activities, one of the oldest tricks in the book is offering a discount. What better way to sell than by lowering the price of a product or service? The answer is an informative blog post. Sure, discounts increase sales, but at the same time they increase the number of bargain hunting clients and reduce the value of what you are offering.

Write a blog post informing clients of the product or service you are promoting. For longer posts, share them on Tumblr and send your loyal fan base a link to your page, as for shorter posts, Facebook and Instagram are ideal! Make sure to mention all of the benefits, encouraging customers to give it a try. To spice it up a bit, add before & after pictures to your blog post, to truly show the effects of your product or service, as pictures are the most convincing! Using your Booksy hair & beauty salon software, measure any increases in sales stimulated by your blog entry. If you notice an increase in revenue for a product or service mentioned in your blog, you know that your latest entry was a hit!

How should you promote your blog?

For salon owners who are looking to draw a stronger following on their blog, promoting it is highly important. Mentioning your blog while doing a client’s hair is ineffective, as the probability that your customer will forget about it is very high. Instead, invite customers to your blog with an sms or email message with a link to your page. Make sure the message encourages clients to have a read! With the help of our Booksy salon messaging system, you can schedule it to go out at a specific time. Inform your fans on social media of your latest entry as well, by posting on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages.

Tip: Booksy also allows you to send a bulk sms, push or email notification to a specific group of clients. Simply filter who you would like to send the message to!

Extra advice

We all enjoy a well written backstory - so why not include this in your blog? Post pictures of your salon when it first opened and share them on Facebook or Instagram, as this adds history and charm to your business! And if something makes your business stand out from the crowd, like a one of a kind treatment, or unique products, make sure to share them as well! For additional inspiration, check out our content marketing tips for salons here!

A well-developed and eye catching blog is perfect for staying in touch with your clients and fans, but with a reliable virtual beauty salon manager, your blogs can benefit your business as well! Get the most out of them with the help of Booksy - sign up for your free account today! 

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