A business plan for a hairdressing salon – what should it include and how to prepare it?

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Preparing a business plan for a hairdressing salon is one of the first steps you need to take when starting your own business of this type. This is important because during this time, you will plan all the crucial aspects linked to your company’s functioning. So what exactly should your business plan contain?  What is a business plan? In simple terms, it is a blueprint which helps you make sure that you are building your business on solid foundations. By carefully planning and analysing all the key elements of your company, you prevent difficulties which could disrupt, or worse still, halt the growth of your company in the future. When you suddenly become aware that you have forgotten about key aspects, sometimes it is too late to rescue the entire enterprise. A business plan for hair salon is nothing else but a preliminary outline of your company which will enable you to avoid unpleasant surprises while implementing your ideas and objectives.

SWOT analysis

The preparation of a hair salon business plan will certainly be made easier with a SWOT analysis of your hairdressing salon, which will help you identify potential opportunities and threats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your new company. Making a clear description of each of these issues will be extremely useful when making various decisions – for instance, those concerning the location of the premises, the selection of services to be performed or the need to employ additional staff.

A business plan for a hairdressing salon – components

A business plan for a hairdressing salon should include an outline of all aspects of its functioning:

  1. Define your target group Decide who you want to sell your products and services to. Remember that it is impossible to make everyone happy. Take advantage of the knowledge gained when researching the market and create a profile of your target customer. It will be required to later define other aspects, such as your offer, your communication channels, etc.
  2. Define the scope and standard of services This is one of the most important elements of a hairdressing salon's business plan. Decide: Do you want to focus on a wide range of services or specialise in one particular area? Create a specific offer and set the prices. When making your decisions, you should combine the knowledge of the needs of your potential clients and include your competitor's ideas, as well as your own preferences for the services you would like to provide.
  3. Choose the premises and design the space Once you have made a decision about your offer, you will be able to determine what space you need to organise the required workstations. Be aware of the requirements for separate rooms, the necessary space for equipment, access to toilets, etc., and arrange everything so that your salon is comfortable for both visitors and employees. Choose a location which is easily accessible to clients.
  4. Select cosmetics and find suppliers It goes without saying that cosmetics you are planning to use (and sell to clients for home use) must be of good quality. The choice of a specific brand will also influence the prices you want to offer to your customers. Another issue is the selection of suppliers. Research the companies available, get to know the feedback on other salons that use their services, and contact their sales representatives to discuss the terms of cooperation – and then choose the supplier that best meets your needs.
  5. Consider hiring additional employees Do you want to operate on your own or hire help immediately? You already know what services you will offer in your establishment, so now you can decide if you will be able to perform all of them by yourself. And if you are going to hire additional staff, how many? What should your new employees already know? What qualities should they have?
  6. Choose the right salon management tools Creating and running your own business is much easier if you take advantage of the right tools. We are talking about a salon management system like Booksy which will streamline your work, simplify the performance of many of your duties and even automate some of them. With software of this type, you will be able to implement all your tasks and save a lot of time while doing it which you can then use to enjoy a well-earned rest. Would you like to see how it works? Put the Booksy system to the test for free at www.booksy.com.
  7. Decide on the name and create the brand’s outline These two elements will give your company a specific character. For a business to win the hearts of its customers, it must have a “soul”, its mission, and it must also evoke positive emotions. Think about what would attract the attention of your potential customers. When choosing a name, you must strike the appropriate balance between creativity and simplicity. The name should be catchy, easy to remember and pronounce. Once you have decided on your company name, remember to immediately purchase the appropriate domain for your website.
  8. Plan your marketing strategy First of all, remember that you need to start promoting your establishment before it is opened – so that the information about the new salon reaches your potential customers. Decide on the communication channels you will be using to attract the attention of your target customers. It is very important for your actions to be coherent and uniform. Strive to build a positive image of your company and your own as an expert in what you do. Collaborate with opinion leaders. Take an example from good practices used by other salons in your line of operation; however, make sure not to copy them, as originality is the key to success.
  9. Plan your expenses A good business plan for a hairdressing salon must include a breakdown of costs. After all, many aspects linked to the creation of your new company will be connected to expenses. Analyse each step carefully and try to predict all the costs you will have to incur. Take your time – the more carefully you approach this analysis, the less risk there is that in the future you will come across an unpleasant surprise. The last thing you want is your enterprise failing because of the lack of necessary funds.

You can find more detailed information on the business plan of a hairdressing salon (and not only), as well as on other stages of creating your own beauty business, in the free Booksy e-book entitled How to open your own salon.

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