Writing a business plan for a beauty salon

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A well-written business plan can be a great roadmap for your salon – thoughtful planning and analysis help you make sure that you are building your business on solid foundations. Whether you’re just launching or have been running for quite some time – it’s never too late to create this kind of guide. And even if you’re flying solo in your business, creating a business plan for a small or mobile beauty salon is most definitely a thing!

Tip: Do you want to prepare your own solid business plan? Use our template to cover all the important points!

A business plan is basically a collection of your principles, goals and methods. It’s an outline of your company that allows you to prevent (or at the very least – minimise the effects of) disruptions taking place whenever you want to implement a new idea. We’ve prepared a template that covers all the most important elements – by using it, you’ll be able to prepare a business plan fit for your beauty salon in no time.

Overview of your business

Begin by describing the most essential elements. State your salon’s purpose, objective and the approach it takes to reach its goals. Describe where you operate and if you have more than one location (or in case your business is mobile – what is your reach). If you succeeded to reach one (or multiple) of your goals so far include this piece of information as well, along with a detailed description of the steps it took to get there.

In this part, include:

Management and organisation of your business

This part is dedicated to all people involved in creating your business. State clearly who is the founder, owner and shareholder of the salon. If you have multiple employees, it’s a good idea to include a section dedicated to key team members – including managers, team leaders (if you have them) and employees with unique skill sets.

In this part, include:

Definition of your beauty services

Now it’s time to describe what you do in detail. What services do you provide and what products do you use and sell? You can also set your pricing and include plans for the future expansion of your service range.

In this part, include:

Marketing plan

In this part, you think more about your target audience and competitors. It’s best to begin with doing a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats and is a way of recognising your internal and external issues. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal and you can develop or change them through hard work, while Opportunities and Threats you can smartly take advantage of or protect yourself from, but cannot change. It’s important to distinguish and name them so that you can create a conscious, smart marketing strategy.

In this part, include:

Operational plan

This part of the business plan is dedicated to your expansion plans. Do you want to get a bigger space? Are you planning to become more tech-savvy? Does it seem like you are going to require new equipment? Include your plans and predictions in this part.

In this part, include:

Financial plan

Arguably the hardest part of creating the business plan is finding a moment to gather all your financial data. It will be much easier to do if you use Booksy, as the system delivers Statistics and Reports features that provide (but are not limited to) details on your business performance, staff commission and product inventory.

In this part, include:

Writing a business plan when you are a beautician is based on the same principles as those for creating a business plan for a big company – you just adjust the respective points to your model of operation. Making a clear description of each of these elements will be a great help whenever you will be faced with the challenge of making important decisions. Your business plan, if written properly, will be your guidebook. You gain a much-needed sense of control over your business. And if you are keen on gaining even more of it, try Booksy – the best salon management software dedicated to all beauty business owners, even those who prefer to play solo.

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