Why, how and when to sell retail in your hair salon

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If you are a hairstylist, there’s a very high chance that you dislike selling retail. You most likely carry hair products in your salon, but prefer to display them on the shelves and hope your customers will notice them without your initiative - you are an artist, not a salesperson. You don't want to lose your credibility and seem money-hungry. Sounds familiar? Even though your concerns are understandable, offering products to your customers, if done right, can only add to your professionalism. Let's see how hairdressing salons may increase sales and how that affects the business as a whole!

Are retail hair products the key to success?

First of all, let’s talk numbers. As rough as it may sound, retail sales are your highest profit margin in the salon, which provide business security, especially when you are just starting and therefore your brand image is yet to be established. Moreover, every purchase increases the likelihood of the customer becoming a loyal, regular client. Think about selling retail as part of the service - you provide clients with amazing hairstyle transformations and then allow them to get the right product that will maintain the new look. Think about it - the vast majority of your customers buy hair care products anyway, so isn’t it more convenient to purchase them directly from the person that takes care of their coiffure? It’s a win-win situation: you make additional revenue and your client gets their product hand-picked by the stylist, therefore tailored to their individual needs and tested by a professional. It is not about trying to push additional goods - it is about proposing an extension of the service.

When to sell to make the right impression?

Let’s make it clear: believing in your products is a necessity. You make use of them in your day-to-day, so you know exactly what to expect from them. The quality of your retail products speaks volumes about you and your business - be aware of that. It is also much easier to sell something if you truly stand behind it. Do not leave the selling process for the last minute - it should be natural and gradual, make it seem like a part of the process. How to achieve that, you may ask? While doing your client’s hair, ask them about their hair troubles and listen carefully to what they have to say. Show them the right product for the job, and let them get familiar with the packaging and brand. Mention how it can help them with their problem. Be specific and avoid generalities as hardly anyone likes products that do everything and nothing (“It makes your hair look shiny, beautiful and overall healthy”), and rather focus on the customer’s needs and desires (“It will help you get the volume and thicker texture, keeping your hair fresh for a longer time”). Highlight any additional values, like being cruelty-free, natural, organic, hand-made or available only in your salon. It is worth mentioning any specific ingredients along with their beneficial properties. Try to speak visually and remember to always have your client’s individual problem in mind (“That will allow you to keep that beautiful, auburn tone for longer, as it contains this and that, which are ingredients known for enhancing and maintaining golden undertones”). You can also engage your receptionist to further present the benefits of given products - read more about it in one of our previous articles.

How to sell retail products without being too salesy?

Remember to prepare a proper range of products, but avoid overloading your display. You are not a department store - you provide customers with select products, approved by you personally. Keep the shelves aesthetically pleasing, clean and tempting. Do not talk to customers about prices too soon, but let them be clearly visible on the shelves. Keep your client focused more on a given product's benefits, but also allow them to get to know the price before making a purchase decision. Once again, be professional and knowledgeable, educate your clients rather than persuade. If they do not seem interested, do not push them. Show that you want them to have a dazzling final look and that you will hand-select the right products for the job. Individually selected items not only make your customer feel taken care of, but also more attached to you. Every time they use the product, they will be reminded of your business and the time they spent in your salon. If that time was great, they are likely to come back - and if the product they have purchased really works, the possibility is even higher. However, it does not end there - it is extremely important to make notes about your clients’ hair needs, problems and which product they bought. Booksy will come handy here, as you can easily manage even the most detailed information about your customers. You will never forget or lose data and will be able to pleasantly surprise any returning customer with in-depth questions about the effects of their new hair care products. Any of their eventual concerns or complaints can be stored here as well - you will always know if they, for example, do not react well to a certain ingredient, or just simply did not like the product. When done right, promoting your products may only strengthen your position in the eyes of clients, not to even mention providing you with additional revenue. Start selling retail to increase your hair salon sales and, with the help of Booksy, doing so will come to you naturally!

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