Why are clients not reading your salon blog?

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The blog - an almost archaic form of communication that has seemingly withstood the test of time, and is thriving even today. Starting from its humble beginnings in the written format, blogs have evolved with the pace of technology and can be found in audio and video formats as well. Today, bloggers rule on social media networks and they are not limited to a specific industry.

Even in the world of hair & beauty, blogs are highly prevalent - hairdressers, massage therapists, nail techs and even salon owners can be found running their own blogs. Firstly, it is an excellent way to subtly flaunt your expertise in the field and secondly, it can be used to promote your business, treatments and products you may offer. But then something happens - you notice that clients are not visiting or reading your salon blog entries! Sure, your clients might just be busy throughout the day, however, it may be due to a number of other factors.

How do you know?

Salon owners and staff take pride in their work, and regularly post pictures of their fab hair transformations, salon remodelings and of course, share their blog entries. When you notice pictures are receiving more likes, shares and comments then blog posts, you know something is not right.

Culprit #1 - your content

Now, don’t get us wrong here - your content is definitely knowledge-packed, but it may not be suited for your initial audience. With that being said, take a look at your hair salon blog - what topics do you focus on? Are they strictly about business, or do they include bits from your personal life - as each of these has its own implications.

The solution is simple - find ways to merge both topics! If you are looking to appeal to customers, bear in mind that they are not experts in your field, so do away with technical lingo! Utilise lively and simple vocabulary, so that readers know what you are talking about and do not get bored! Additionally, discussing personal topics should be limited. Instead, mention hair care strategies you use at home, what products you avoid and discuss the benefits of your treatments and items sold at the salon. Try these beauty blog ideas and see how they work for you!

Culprit #2 - your blog format

If you regularly spend hours writing extensive and long blog entries, then you know the great feeling of completing one. Stop doing this - why? Because your clients are not always going to be interested in reading a 5 page entry on why box colors should be avoided. If your blog is aimed at your clients, you should take them into account. Will they have time to read the entire blog? Do my clients even read blogs? Let’s face the facts here - written hair salon blogs are losing their touch when compared to audio and video blogs. Audio blogs can be heard while driving, jogging or performing other activities. Video blogs on the other hand convey the blogger’s message far more quickly and give them a human face.

Culprit #3 - not thinking like a marketer

This is a question salon owners and staff have difficulty answering - what am I doing this blog for? The most common answers are to show one’s expertise, to earn fame, gain more followers and to create a bond between the salon and its followers. Although these goals are ambitious, they lead to dead ends.

To truly get your customers engaged in your articles, you need to think like a marketer. This does not mean going back to school for another degree! To think like a marketer, you simply need to keep your business and clients’ interests in mind. In doing so, you can expect a rise in the number of people interested in your blog, more clients in your salon and better control over your sales! To achieve this, here is what you should be doing:

The most important bit of advice - experiment! Try these blog approaches and see which one works best to catch your clients’ attention! And to give your entries a nice marketing edge, make use of Booksy’s salon management features - try them out risk free today!

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