Turning your Instagram likes into Bookings with Booksy

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Instagram has become an essential marketing tool in health, beauty and fitness industries. Not only can it showcase your work, it can also expose you to new clients. But if you want to take your business to the next level, it’s important to do more than just share your best work and stop there... You also need to have an Instagram book button. Time to turn those likes into actual bookings!


 See how quick and easy it is to use the Instagram book button with your Booksy account.

 When someone discovers you on social media, you have an opportunity to turn them into a client. You can keep your fingers crossed and hope they’ll Google you to find out how to book an appointment. Or, you can let them see your schedule and make their own appointment with an Instagram Book button (powered by Booksy).


Barbers, Nail Techs, and Hair Stylists all around the world are all using the Instagram book button to take appointments directly from their social media. Are you?

 With Booksy, you don’t just get an Instagram book button. You can also add a “Book Now” feature to your other social media profiles including Facebook and Google. It only takes a few minutes to set up and it can drastically increase your bookings!


Instagram book button helps Nanette get more clients.

Booking clients directly on Instagram has been a game changer for Nail Artist Nanette Rivera: “It’s literally doubled my bookings”.

In fact, data shows that clients who self-book with Booksy make 20-30% more appointments than clients who rely on having to call to book an appointment. (The added benefit of allowing clients to use the Instagram book button is that it also reduces the amount of wasted time you spend taking calls.)

How the Instagram Book Button Works


Instagram book button on Booksy client app screen

If you’re ready to turn your Instagram into an automated booking machine, it’s time to try Booksy. Click here to start your free trial and see just how easy it is to take your business to the next level.

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