Traditional vs Modern Marketing: Which should salons choose?

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For most of us, it is hard to imagine life without Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and not being able to share your latest happenings with the world. Nowadays, businesses worldwide, including those in the hair & beauty industry, utilise these social networking pages to help promote what they do, however, these modern tools we use for communication have come to exist only in recent years. Before their conception, businesses relied heavily on time-tested marketing methods that did their job - but are these methods still applicable in today’s day and age?

Old marketing vs new marketing

When it comes to identifying the two, there is one obvious difference - modern marketing is focused on digital channels of distribution, whereas traditional marketing focuses on physical ones. What do I mean by this? Let’s say you are looking to attract new clients to your salon - with modern marketing activities, you create an online offer or advertisment and promote it to potential clients. When it comes to traditional marketing, you print physical advertising materials and share them by interacting with others.

What works best for salons and spas?

As the salon owner, you know your clients better than anyone else. By simply looking at them, sitting at your workstations, you can learn much about them. Try this test - on a busy day, look at all of your clients and count how many there are in total and what number of them are on their phones. Although results may vary, you will probably notice the majority of clients looking at their phone screens. This shows that a modern marketing approach may reach a larger number of customers, but it does not necessarily remove traditional marketing from the game! When deciding which works better for your salon, you should try both strategies for a selected period. Based on your collected data, see which marketing method brought your salon more clients, revenue or sales! But before you begin, review each strategy - pros and cons of marketing can have varying impacts on your career!

Modern marketing

Let’s face it, if your salon does not have a presence on social media pages, how are online users supposed to know if your business even exists? When it comes to digital marketing, there are many paths you can take - some options are completely free, like social media posts, whereas others are paid for, and your decision depends on your goals. Are you looking to attract new customers? Increase sales? Or perhaps promote a new treatment option. Here are some of the pros and cons of digital media marketing strategies:

Although the positive aspects outweigh the negatives, there are a few out there that may make you want to stick with traditional marketing.

Traditional marketing

It is important to have a large list of customers, but bear in mind that your local clients are the ones that count the most! And what better way to win their hearts than to hand them your business card and invite them for a service personally? Besides this, here are a few positives you can expect from traditional marketing:

In a sense, salon manager systems, like Booksy, have aspects of traditional marketing - such as individual messaging campaigns, automatic booking reminders sent via SMS, push message or email, even automated birthday wishes, which give your salon a more human face! There is a surprising number of positive aspects when considering traditional marketing, however, there are some cons, such as:

When it comes down to it, both traditional and modern marketing methods come with pros and cons, however, your decision should be based on which is more effective for your business. Also, consider implementing Booksy to your regular marketing routine - be it a modern, or more traditional approach. Start your free account, and manage marketing activities with both a modern and traditional approach!

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