The new Booksy feature is here - what are Combo Services and why you are going to love them!

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Recently we launched a new Booksy feature - Combo Services, which allows you to group existing services into a single appointment. If you want to learn a little more about it and see what great things you can do with it, keep reading!

What are Combo Services?

To put it simply, Combo Services allows you to combine several different services into one appointment. Depending on the circumstances, your preferences and the needs of your clients, Combo Services can be booked:

Why are Combo Services great for your business?

The beauty of our new feature lies in its versatility. Combo Services will not only reduce the admin work for you, but also help to increase sales by giving you the opportunity to promote a wider range of your services.

Prepare custom offers

Combo Services make it easy for you to spice up your menu. Establish your POD (point of difference) by pairing up treatments in a unique way, creating memorable experiences for your clients to enjoy. How about a relaxing hand treatment when your client’s hair is processing during a colour service? Or a full body massage paired with a deeply nourishing body mask applied afterwards? Remember that your customers do not come to you for service only - they expect an experience. Combo Services allows you to meet their expectations tenfold.

Save time - yours and your clients’

When a client wants to schedule more than one service with you, it’s tiring to book them all as separate appointments. Thanks to Combo Services you save time and have less admin work to do. Furthermore, it also means less hassle for your clients - and it’s a well-known fact that the easier the booking process, the more likely customers are to make the next appointment!

Make your clients prone to explore

Do you want to promote one of your less popular treatments? Or maybe you want to make your bestseller even more enticing? With Combo Services you can create special offers that will spark your clients’ interest and make them prone to explore something new. The feature allows you to set custom pricing, so there is also a potential for special (maybe seasonal?) discounts and promotions. The possibilities are endless!

How can you set up Combo Services in your Booksy account?

You need to have at least two services added to start your adventure with Combo Services.

  1. Go to Business Settings (for the mobile version: Profile > Settings)
  2. From Services Setup select Services & Combo Services
  3. Click on the + icon in the Services & Combo Services
  4. Choose the Booking type:
    - Sequence – services are performed one after another with the option to add breaks between them
    - Parallel - every service starts at the same time and involves more than one Staff member
  5. Assign chosen Services to a Combo
  6. Set up Pricing:
    - Service pricing – summed up from all Services in the Combo
    - Custom pricing – custom pricing of the Combo

Don’t have a Booksy account yet? Start your free trial today and check out Combo Services and other great features that make managing & developing your business so much easier!

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