The importance of a social media presence for your salon

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For most salon owners, this is no surprise - in today’s day and age, we do everything online - from watching movies and shopping to reading articles, posting pictures and even paying the bills. Chances are your salon has a spot in the world wide web, either on Facebook, Instagram or any other social networks - but how impactful is its presence? You’ve seen it yourself - you go on your favourite social media networking sites and you’re instantly overwhelmed with an influx of videos, posts, images and so on. Now think about your salon and its position in all of this - does it make an impact on the online hair & beauty community? Or is it barely scraping the surface?

Why should I care?

Well, why should you have fan pages in the first place? It’s obvious - to attract more clients to your business and get the word out about it! Your salon fan pages are well-run and pictures of your work look stunning - you regularly post quality content, but sales are not going up. Or you keep seeing the same clients all the time and no new faces? That’s why you should start caring.

Perfect for bringing in more clients!

Most businesses who have been in the industry for some time know this very well. Their social media pages show lots of activity from their followers, posts are being shared, commented on and liked. Though these actions sound hardly impactful, they can have a substantial effect on the business. It takes one person to share your salon’s post, and there’s a high probability that their friends will see it and possibly visit the page. Now comes the fun part - create an offer that will encourage clients to bring their friends in. Something along the lines of: “Book an updo for yourself and a friend and get 20% off the bill! Remember to share this post!” 

It can pave your way to stardom

Just like every salon owner, you want to make a name for yourself and not just be known as “that salon that offers discount perms on Fridays”. With a strong presence on social media, your salon can truly shine! Share a one-of-a-kind treatment you offer, boast about how eco-friendly your business is or anything else that makes your salon stand out. To grab some extra spotlight, tag brand influencers, hair & beauty magazines and product brands in your posts. It may sound far-fetched, but influencers and brands look for talent, and who knows, your salon just might end up in your favourite magazine!

How can you improve your social media presence?

You’ve created several fan pages on numerous social media networks, but that won’t be enough to significantly increase your presence. So, what can you do to make it work? Consider trying these three options - working with prominent figures in the industry, staying in touch with your salon clients and being on top of trends.

Working with industry leaders

Stylists, makeup artists and even barbers have to gain inspiration from somewhere - be it an industry celebrity, a favourite magazine, or a brand they love working with. But how do you catch their attention? Here’s what you should try:

Positive media attention is an amazing way to increase your social media presence, thus getting the word out about your business and attracting potential clients! Before you begin sending messages to industry leaders, create a list of key aspects that truly make your business stand out!

Be active with clients!

In the hair & beauty industry, we learn from one another, which is why it’s no surprise we regularly check the competitions’ social media pages in order to see what they’re up to - only to be green with envy. The salon across the street recently posted an average dusty rose balayage, which received over a hundred likes and 30 shares. What’s even more surprising, they have more expensive services than you do, but the salon is almost never empty. What gives? Before assessing what you’re doing wrong, look at what they’re doing right - which is being active with their clients. Look at your fan pages - do you share clients’ before and after shots? Does your salon host events or contests? Do you offer a referral program? These actions not only help you stay relevant in your clients’ day-to-day, but also help getting your name out into the world thanks to social media.  

Stay trendy, my friends

Great trends have taken countless businesses from zeros to brand heroes - even the most impractical ones. We’ve all seen fire hair cutting, glitter roots and even garden brows. Though we shake our heads when we see this, salons that offer these treatments tend to have their social media presence go through the roof! Plus, with an original idea, your business has a good chance of being seen by prominent figures in the industry. Either follow an upcoming trend or become a trendsetter yourself! With your idea in mind, promote your latest treatment on social media and encourage your clients to spread the word! There is room for doubt, however - you’re certified and have completed a number of courses, but nothing’s prepared you for creating those garden brows (eek!). You may want to host a small get together at the salon with your most trusted clients. Send them an invitation through Booksy to try out your latest treatment before it’s officially made public. By testing your skills on your most loyal clients, you’ll know if introducing this treatment will be beneficial for your salon!

How we communicate with one another has changed drastically with the rise of social media - which is why maintaining a strong presence is key to gaining fame and new customers! And with the help of tools like Booksy, you can better organise your work, see which of your trendy treatments sell the best and reward clients for helping spread the word about your business. Grab your free account today!

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