Cutting-edge tech in your salon – the HR solution

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Hair stylists and beauticians alike provide excellent services and know how to maintain lasting relations with clients. A cheerful and competent receptionist manages bookings, a motivated team provides services - like one big family. This is what managers strive for in the beauty industry, but where to begin?

There isn't one specific method for creating an effective team. However, there are tools that can help streamline communication at work, manage wages and motivate your employees – helping managers run the team. See what reliable salon management software can do.

Effectively organize your work

Few managers know that their team’s discontent begins with a lack of organization and communication among employees. Rosters are created at the last second and updated later on, with changes not communicated timely to the team. Work time and, consequently, remuneration calculations are overdue. The compensation system is over-complicated, which leads to miscalculations.

Meanwhile, a reliable beauty & hair salon software system makes such daily tasks more manageable, and changes the overall process of organizing work roles in the salon. All rosters are created in electronic format and are available for employees 24/7. No matter where they are, they can check their work schedule at any time. Staff shifts are created in a flash - all it takes is creating a schedule and duplicating it for the upcoming weeks and even months. And modifications can be done anytime if need be. Even if the salon has its own system for this, creating and editing shifts for upcoming weeks can be done in a matter of seconds.

What’s more, rosters are automatically synced with the online booking page - all of the changes made are automatically updated in your booking system, without taking up an employee’s time. Among the most handy features, especially for the end of the month, are staff reports generated by the system. The software informs the manager on the work hours of each employee and how much time was actually spent on providing services. There is also another report that provides staff time-off summary along with the reasons provided (e.g. sick day, vacation or training). Calculating employee remuneration is no longer burdensome and time-consuming!

Top sales team

Who in their right mind wouldn’t want employees who not only provide excellent services, but also offer great advice, offer a follow-up treatment or sell cosmetics for clients to use at home? An experienced and competent team ready to provide services and sell products is worth its weight in gold. The manager’s role in all of this is the development of a system for commissions and motivation, to fire up your team and motivate them to do more.

This is yet another perfect situation in which salon management software can come in handy. It will automatically calculate employee commissions from services and products sold. Profits will be added up on an employee's account, settling accounts in a breeze. It works both ways – for the manager and employee, the system guarantees that everything will be added up accordingly, and all of the details will be clear and straightforward.

It may be beneficial to periodically compare employee results. You can easily find more and less effective employees – help those who have low rates in selling services and products, or jump in if there is a drop in motivation and activity in your team.

Satisfied and returning customers

The most effective way of grading your team’s efficiency is not based on profits, but the amount of satisfied customers. They are the ones that continuously support the salon and are its foundation. They are your most reliable ambassadors, bringing in new clients for you. Few managers and salon owners can answer this seemingly simple question – what percent of your clients are returning clients? Often it may appear that we see the same familiar faces in the salon, those of our loyal clients, but after having a closer look, the percentage is very low. The rest of your clients may have already gone to your competition.

Customer retention statistics are one of the most important reports which represent the quality of service your team provides. This number reflects your salon’s ability to keep clients loyal.

Counting your returning clients by hand is not practical in any way. This type of reporting can be generated for you by a salon management software. Within a single click, you can get reports on new, returning and slipping away customers. This way, managers are provided with another tool to help in grading salon's and specific employee’s effectiveness. The reports may provide interesting information – it might be that your beautician is simply clueless when it comes to selling cosmetics, but might draw in a crowd for the services she offers.

Your customer loyalty is not the only thing that grades your team’s effectiveness. A reliable system gives you the tools you need to receive customer feedback from automatic reviews and opinions on services and employees. After every visit, your clients receive an automated request for a review and a comment on their experience. Thanks to this, your employees’ effort is verified by your customers. Positive reviews and comments may be used to promote your business, and negative feedback can help managers find areas to improve. You may also use customer reviews to motivate your employees and help them get organized - how about running a contest for employee of the month and awarding the winner with a special bonus?

An advanced and intuitive software is a valuable data tool that lets you record employee and client activity, especially useful for managers working on daily tasks. Spending hours on calculating remuneration, summarizing work hours or creating rosters keeps managers and employees from doing more productive tasks - motivating the staff, training, or building an effective team.

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