Staying healthy in the hair & beauty industry

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Surprisingly, for many stylists, salon owners or even nail techs, the topic of health in the industry does not get as much media attention as it should. Sure, there are more demanding professions out there than those in the beauty industry, however, health in the world of hair & beauty is an important topic that should be discussed more often. In an industry that demands long work hours, no time for breaks, and an extensive use of harsh chemicals, these factors can truly take their toll on employees. To stay healthy, avoid these hazards!

The Chemical Cassy

Stylists know all too well about working with hair sprays, as well as bleach on a busy weekend - after the first few clients, you’re wheezing, coughing and scratching, and you still have the whole day ahead of you. Even though you run a semi-active lifestyle, after a long day at work, you feel irritated, tired and even have shortness of breath. Extensive use and exposure to hairsprays, bleach and other harsh chemicals can have negative long-term effects on your health, such as lowered blood pressure, breathing problems and irritation of the skin, eyes or lungs.

Instead, avoid hair sprays and other products that have denatured alcohol and hydrofluorocarbons, as these are hazardous ingredients. Look for brands that pride themselves on using less-harmful and eco-friendly materials in their products and find some time during the day to step outside to catch your breath! Before you go out and purchase your usual salon products, think about your and your staffs’ health - don’t be a Chemical Cassy!

The No-Time Tina

These are the biggest offenders in the hair & beauty industry - they are beauty professionals who have no time for anything, minus the usual coffee break. But how is this a health hazard? These types of beauty professionals ineffectively plan out their work schedules right from the beginning of the day. They wake up last minute, get dressed, grab a coffee and are out the door. At the start of the workday, everything is going fine, until clients with appointments and walk-ins get mixed up, double bookings pop up, and you forget to do a stocktake. What’s worse, there’s no time to talk with clients, your stomach is growling and everything is in disarray. If you continue this lifestyle long term, you’re more prone to high blood pressure, stress, weight loss and tic disorders. If this sounds like you, then you may be a No-Time Tina.

But it doesn’t have to be so! I have to be honest here, I myself like to sleep in late, however, going to bed earlier helps you feel well-rested and makes it easier to wake up earlier in the morning, giving you time to prepare a wholesome breakfast that will keep you sharp for the remainder of the day! Additionally, beauty professionals who are always short on time should look into beauty salon software to help make time - and one of these solutions is Booksy. This digital helper allows you to eliminate double bookings and create time gaps, before or after a treatment has been provided, giving you time to take a breather!

The Workaholic Wendy

These are the cousins of No-Time Tinas, and just like them, the Workaholic Wendys tend to have time management problems that are often due to their inability to distribute tasks among staff. These types of beauty professionals prefer doing everything their way and know what’s best for the business, thus creating health issues for themselves. Workaholic Wendys go about greeting each client, cleaning the entire workfloor and creating stocktakes. As a result, they wear themselves out from tending to every aspect of the salon on their own - which creates the problem of aches and pains. Standing on your feet throughout most of the day can cause chronic pain and discomfort in the long run.

To resolve this matter, weary professionals should invest in high-quality footwear to reduce pain - thankfully, there are now a number of brands which make footwear, just for people in the hair and beauty industry! As for the problem with customer service, marketing and upselling can again be resolved with Booksy. The system automatically sends clients review requests after they’ve left your salon - but it doesn’t end there! There’s also the option of utilising the system’s Message Blasts feature, which sends a number of scheduled messages to customers, thanking them for their initial visit or encouraging long-absent clients to visit the salon again. This, as a result, helps you rest easy, knowing that clients are being encouraged to visit your salon, with minimal effort from you!

The Worrisome Weslee

There’s no doubt about it - everyone is a Worrisome Weslee from time to time, and that’s okay! Sometimes you have to deal with low periods, difficult clients and staff or forgetting to pay the electric bill. These things happen and stressing or worrying from time to time is completely natural. Consider taking a day off or meeting up with friends after work in order to forget about your work woes. But if your worries don’t cease to bother you, then you should consider looking for some professional help.

If you’re having difficulty running and managing your salon and it’s causing you to constantly worry about the fate of your business, consider booking a course with a salon success coach. These mentors can be found online and are there to help you get your beauty business back on track, allowing you to rest easy, knowing that your salon is in good hands. If however the problem persists, you may want to book a session with your local psychiatrist or find a group of salon owners or specialists who share the same difficulties as you.

The world of hair & beauty shouldn’t be focused on just the clients, but also on the staff and salon owners who treat them. Only when a salon team is healthy and well-rested, can they provide top-of-the-line treatments and focus on providing excellent services. And with the help of digital solutions like Booksy, beauty businesses can rest assured, knowing that they’re in good hands!

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