New salon clients - do's and don'ts

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You’ve been in the hair & beauty industry for some time now, surely you already know the do’s and don’ts when it comes to new customers. Or do you? Just like the beginning of any relationship - it tends to be very fragile at this stage. If you play your cards right, there’s a high probability that this client will become a regular - but there is also room for error, which may cost you that customer. Obviously, you look forward to gaining as many loyal customers as possible, after all, they’re the main source of income for your salon - but some things can be a complete showstopper for them. So, where can you go wrong and how should you act to avoid awkward break-ups with customers?

Being much too friendly

You have a new client who has booked a full head of highlights - first thing’s first, you need to learn their hair history and do a strand test. They walk into your salon and you’re suddenly overwhelmed with an urge to run up to them and hug them. You love new clients who book your more pricey treatments, as this creates the perfect opportunity to show them how creative you can get. You get a bit carried away and begin to flood your customer with questions, like, “Do you want some coffee or tea? Are you comfortable? How are you feeling today? Have you seen our latest discounts? We have some awesome products on sale, I use them at home all the time”. The problem here isn’t the questions you’re asking, but how you ask them. Although you might see this as being friendly, the customer may feel intruded upon, resulting in their first and last visit to your business.

Instead, go a tone lower!

It’s unavoidable - you’re going to be asking your first-time customer loads of questions pertaining to their hair history, allergies as well as inspiration photos for their desired look. Store this information, along with the customer’s before & after shots and intake forms, all in the designated Booksy client record. You’re a salon owner, so you know how important it is to stay organised and professional - and that includes your behaviour! Ask the client if they’d like something to drink, and while they’re relaxing in your chair, slowly work your way into a discussion. Make sure to keep a natural flow, and your first question after the consultation should be, “What’s the occasion”? The client might be getting a new look for many reasons, ranging from a highschool reunion or wedding to a funeral or even a divorce. You have to be ready for every situation - especially the latter ones. Offer condolences, or build up your customer, depending on the circumstances, as this will not only help them feel a bit more relieved, but will also show you and your salon in the best light.

A chaotic salon

A beauty business that is in disarray is something you definitely don’t want customers to see. There are days when you’re running from the workstation to your storage room, to your next client. Everyone is in a hurry, the floor is in chaos and your 10 o'clock just came in - you hastily greet your new client and swiftly guide them to your workstation. After a brief consultation, you begin working on the customer, during which you’re chatting with a stylist a station over. Not only does this make the client feel completely out of place, but also reduces the quality of their experience - which is something you want to avoid doing, especially for a first-time customer. This situation doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your relationship - an understanding customer who was satisfied with their new look might book again during a less-busy period and may become your regular! However, the customer pays for their new look and to relax - if you’re not relaxed, then neither is your client!

Instead, get organised!

It’s no secret that customers want to feel like royalty in your salon - they read the feedback your salon has received online and want the same experience that your 5-star reviewers had. In order to do so, you need to keep staff organised. When your team has all of their assigned tasks in place, there’s less stress on the floor, allowing you to focus more on the customer in your chair. And here, Booksy has you covered. The system tracks all aspects of your salon - everything from your incoming bookings and product sales to stock levels and statistics. It helps you and your team stay well-organised and concentrate on providing best customer service ever!

Inadequate customer service

When it comes to inadequate customer service, it is rarely intentional and most often caused by a lack of time and a strategy. A customer comes in for a quick updo, you ask them if they’d like anything to drink, have a quick chat and exchange a few laughs. You finish the treatment right on time and the customer loves it! They then pay and go about their day. Your customer service seems spot on, but you’re still not paying attention to the more important details. You didn’t provide a reason for the client to return, you forgot to ask them to leave a review on your salon and very little was done to tie them to your business. A first-time customer can be a goldmine for your salon, but if you don’t work your customer service magic, your business won’t tap into the vast marketing potential it could have!

Instead, think like a marketer!

Salon owners, no matter how many beauty courses they’ve finished, are still businesspeople, and must prioritise their enterprise. Sure, creating a feel-good atmosphere and having a good laugh with customers is important, but your mission is to grow your business with their help. First off, create a strategy for new clients - give them a discount for their first booking and upsell products and treatments that would complement their first purchase right before they leave the salon. It takes time to master when and how to promote your business during chit-chat, but it can be done! There are days, however, when time is not on your side, and you are having trouble thinking straight. You’re chatting away with a fresh customer, while sweeping the floor around them and answering the phone. If you’re short on time, invite the client to return and ask that they leave their contact information with the salon receptionist, in order to receive a nice discount for their next visit. If you’re using Booksy, have your receptionist store the client’s information, and the system will send an automatic thank you message to the customer. Plus, there will be another one sent 3 weeks later to promote your other services. Also, each time they book online with you, there will be an automated request sent to them allowing the client to review your services and promote your business.

With your client now in your database, you can send them specialised marketing campaigns and assign a regular discount. A new customer can become a regular, or a one-stop shopper, depending on their experience at your salon - so giving them a positive first impression is a must! And with the help of a reliable salon system, you can be sure they’ll be back! Grab your free Booksy account today!

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