Make your customer feel like a queen (and get royally rewarded)

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When your customers walk into the salon, they take off their coats and replace them with a metaphorical royal capes instead. Now that they are in your domain, they shall feel like kings and queens being served with the most delightful experience. This concept of excellent customer service is often misunderstood - it is not about being obsequious and allowing clients to cross the line, but about providing them with an experience so remarkable, that they will immediately feel like rebooking. Let’s find out how to make sure your clients will come back to your castle, in order for your monthly paycheck to become undoubtedly regal!

The queen has arrived

When a customer comes to your salon to book an appointment, it is very important to acknowledge their presence. You may be raising your eyebrows, but you have no idea how much it affects one’s view on the salon! Even if your receptionist (or you personally) is talking with another customer, they should make eye contact with the new guest and smile, letting the walk-in know that their presence has been noted and they will be tended to as soon as possible. It is a simple gesture, but it shows that you are polite, engaged and professional. Furthermore, when treated this way, the customer is much less likely to change their mind and leave - they already created a bond with you.

Tea for her highness

Now, before the treatment even begins, you should make sure the customer feels they are taken care of. It is all about small, seemingly irrelevant things - hanging their coat, recommending tea or coffee, asking if the temperature is right, leading them to their chair, and so on. In general, the more you ask them about their preferences, the better. Your goal is to make the experience as personalised as possible. Don’t forget to note all this information, it is essential for you to be able to recreate the same conditions without asking the same questions during their next visit! Use your salon software to keep track of this data - Booksy allows you to add little notes to every customer's profile. Forget paper client cards and sticky notes, your data will be safe and sound here.

Give a royal treatment

Metaphorical and figurative - after all, they came here for the outstanding service! During the process, make sure to continue the interview and don’t restrain yourself to questions about facts - ask about opinions. Getting to know their hair history and care routine is one thing, but it is even more important to find out what they like and dislike about their hair, what style they prefer, what problems they have, and so on. Precisely note every detail in your beauty & hair salon software - you never know when they may be needed.

Send a noble letter

Your customer went home pleased with the service? That’s awesome, but your work doesn’t end here! Now, you will have the opportunity to use the information you noted to extend the salon experience with the help of Booksy's Message Blasts.

Show your clients how much you value their loyalty and support. Of course, it is not easy to remember all these details when you have so many customers - that is why you should consider getting yourself a digital assistant. You do the talking, listening and the whole courtesy, while your Booksy system takes care of keeping the data safe. And with Message Blasts in use, messages are sent to the appropriate recipients without you having to touch a thing! Booksy is the future of salon customer service - try this and many more unique features today!

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