Make money even when you sleep

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Imagine that your salon is making you money without your involvement. Imagine leaving your professional world behind and focusing on your private life, while your business runs like clockwork. Imagine taking a break without having to worry about your company falling apart.

You don't just leave this prospect to your imagination, or better still, decide that this is exactly what is going to happen. This is all possible – and you don't need superpowers or an additional employee to accomplish it! All you need is an integrated salon management system.

A virtual receptionist...

When a busy day finally comes to an end, and you and your employees return home and take care of private matters, your salon continues to operate. When you finally have the chance to close your eyes and relax, your business doesn't stop working even for a moment. How is this possible?

It’s simple. You have the integrated salon management system to act as your company's guardian: Booksy is a virtual receptionist which accepts customer bookings regardless of the time, all day and night. By launching the innovative online booking functionality, you can make your appointment booking process operate 24/7, without any involvement on your part.

On the other hand, you also make life easier for your customers, as they no longer have to worry about calling during the opening hours in order to book. Now they will be handled by your virtual assistant, with excellent knowledge of the timetable and service range, which will help them make a reservation whenever needed.

...with an excellent memory

Nobody likes situations when the client fails to meet a previously booked appointment, and the space reserved for that client simply goes to waste. Fortunately, you don't have to stay at work after hours and confirm by hand all of the upcoming appointments the day before. Your reliable virtual receptionist – integrated salon management system – also remembers about such issues. It has an excellent memory and uses it to support your business in a variety of ways!

It sends clients a booking confirmation message and then reminds them of their upcoming visit with another message a day before the scheduled visit. Its dutifulness helps you minimise the number of missed appointments by up to 70%!

In addition, it ensures that customers share their feedback on the services they were provided at your salon. Even if you completely forget to ask them to do so, your assistant will contact your clients and encourage them to write a few words. The review is then published on your Booksy online booking profile - it's a perfect, cost-free advert for your salon!

Precise marketing

Customer communication is not limited to reminding the clients of their upcoming visits or encouraging them to leave appointment reviews. In order to build customer loyalty, it is necessary to constantly invest in relations with the recipients of your services.

Luckily, you no longer have to worry about your customers forgetting about you. Your reliable assistant, the integrated salon management system, will get in touch with everyone on your behalf. It will encourage all of those who have visited you only once to make another visit and will renew contact with old customers who have stopped coming for one reason or another.

The system will also remember clients’ birthdays and will send them your wishes along with a tiny gift you've prepared for them. In short, it will take care of your positive relations with the clients, while you are taking a well-earned rest. In the pursuit of success, it is often easy to forget about taking time off. And yet, we all know how important it is to have some breathing space – also because stress and fatigue significantly reduce our effectiveness, not to mention their negative impact on our health.

Fortunately, there are solutions that help you keep your business on a solid footing and make it prosper even while you sleep peacefully, gaining strength for the coming busy day. It certainly pays to take advantage of this assistance, not only because it makes managing a company a pleasure. See for yourself. Visit and start your free trial!

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