Losing salon clients? These may be the culprits

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It can happen to any business owner - after a long, profitable season, the number of new and returning clients is in a steady decline. The worst part is you have tried everything to draw them in, but to no avail. To resolve such matters, it is important to approach the problem from the roots - the reason why you are losing clients.

For the experienced hairdresser and salon owner, client loss happens at regular intervals - after vacationing, the Holidays, or the New Year. Salon clients simply go back to work and dropping their kids off at school. Those loyal to your business will return, whereas some one-time clients look for other salons that fit their needs better. But what if the number of lost clients outgrows new ones - what may be to blame?

Know your numbers

Before you panic - how certain are you that you have lost a substantial amount of clients? Is this backed by numbers or gut feelings? Remember that data is the only factual evidence in such situations, so make sure you regularly check it. Generate client retention reports and find clients who have not been in your salon for some time, with the help of Booksy’s customer records system.

So what do you do if reports show that your business has lost a substantial amount of clients compared to previous timeframes? Firstly, do not panic - start by searching for possible culprits. Here are some of the more common ones salon owners and stylists often face.


When you first opened the doors to your salon, you may have been that one lucky owner with hardly any competition in sight - business was booming and clients regularly flooded your salon. But ever since a new beauty business opened around the corner, you may have noticed a steady drop in clientele. Your clients may be curious about the new business, so naturally, they flock to it. Although this might make you panic, you still have an upper hand - you are in business longer and have a better reputation.

Bring clients back by hosting events. They are ideal for stimulating client flow, as they bring fresh energy and something to look forward to in your salon! And with the help of the Booksy management system, inviting all your existing clients to an event can be done in just a few clicks.

Price increases

Have you recently and suddenly increased your prices? If you have waited for the last minute to send a letter informing customers of the price increase, this may be to blame for their recent disappearance. For this situation, it is best to put yourself in the client’s place - if your favourite business decides to increase prices without your knowledge, as a result, you would most likely be discouraged to go there. But does that mean you should completely avoid price hikes? Of course not, but make sure to create a salon price increase notice.

To do so, first decide on prices of which treatments and products you would like to raise - and only then should you come up with a salon price increase letter template, informing clients of the upcoming changes. Customers will most likely not be pleased, so you may want to consider offering old prices to clients who bring in referrals to your salon or share your posts on social media. Include this information in your price increase letter template and send it directly to all of your clients through the Booksy's Message Blasts section. This way, clients will be encouraged to help your business grow in order to snag a few deals!


Nowadays, words travel faster than the speed of light - all thanks to social media networks. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are ideal places to share experiences, pictures and promote businesses (or shun them). Unfortunately, potential clients are drawn to negative feedback more than to positive reviews. If your salon has received just one poor rating recently, this is enough to substantially lower the number of potential clients, even if most of your past ratings were positive.

Although it may be difficult to get out of this situation, it is possible! Firstly, respond to the negative review in a smart and professional manner. Encourage the client to return for a free treatment or product - it is important to mention this, as other potential clients will read your comment and will see that you care for your customers’ experience. If however there are multiple negative reviews, respond to them appropriately and host an event with free goodie bags and discounted treatments to give attendees a taste of what you have to offer!

The most important thing to keep in mind when working to bring clients back to your salon is offering a value proposition, which gives clients a reason why they should choose your salon over another. With the help of Booksy, check your statistics and regularly stay in contact with clients to keep them coming back. Try the system for free today!

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