How to shop smart for your salon?

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Smart shopping is a term most of us are familiar with - couponing, aisle skimming and online discount surfing all fall into the category. However, smart shopping has a different meaning when it comes to purchasing supplies and instruments for your hair or beauty salon. Before you rush towards discounted or cheaper alternatives, have a look at what you are actually paying for. 

Discounts - expectations vs. reality

A common mistake salon owners repeat is shopping for their salon like they shop for themselves. If you love scoring great discounts when shopping for yourself, chances are you do so for your salon - which is not always bad, but keep in mind that purchasing a box of cereal with 6 more days before its expiration is not the same as purchasing a hair conditioner with the same amount of time left!

Grabbing a new pack of hair dye from your salon supplier off of the discount shelf seems like a steal, but before you swipe your card and go about your day, check these small, yet significant details:

  1. Expiration date - most retail stores sell items at a discount mainly due to its upcoming expiration date. Instead of tossing out the item, it is sold for less.
  2. Damage - if an item is damaged, retailers try to get it off of their shelves as quickly as possible. Imagine purchasing a damaged bottle of conditioner. Sure, you may have bought it at a discount, but the product may have lost its potency or even spilt out of its damaged container.
  3. Unpopular items - see that bottle of carrot orange hair dye, sitting way in the back of the discount shelf? There is a reason why it is there - people simply do not purchase it, which is why you may want to think twice before tossing it into your basket, thinking you got your hands on a great buy.

Penny pinching - what does this say about your business?

Let’s be honest - we all enjoy purchasing high-quality items at as low of a price as possible. However, when applied to shopping for a hair or beauty salon, this significantly reduces the quality of the business. Imagine having to pay for a luxury keratin hair repair treatment and having the stylist apply inexpensive, store-bought product. When the client notices this, you might get negative reviews on your salon and a tarnished reputation. Keep in mind that what you put into your business is what you get back from it - if you choose to offer treatments with low-grade backbar products, do not expect clients to pay top dollar.

If you simply cannot afford to purchase the most high-end products for your treatments, give clients a variety of options to choose from at your salon, and not just luxury services. By letting them pick between inexpensive and top-shelf treatments, you not only reach a broader range of clients, but you save more money.

The same thing applies to purchasing equipment for your salon. Avoid shopping for the cheapest tools, and remember that the quality of your shears, hair dryers and clippers convey the same message as the quality of your backbar products - poor quality instruments reduce the quality of your business.

Always invest in your equipment - purchase your tools from reputable brands and make sure that they are serviced regularly. Dull shears can damage clients’ hair and clippers can get clogged if not oiled and cleaned out! By buying from reputable brands, you can rest assured, knowing that they will most likely not fail you. 

Less paper - more pixels

Paper is so 1990! However, many hair & beauty salons are guilty of utilising it. Ironically, there are even salons that pride themselves on offering eco-friendly treatments and products, while regularly purchasing paper notebooks and calendars. Even if your salon is not centered on being eco-friendly, utilising a salon notebook is counterproductive - they get lost, ruined, and definitely do not have all the information on your business.

With that being said, a digital salon manager is the right solution for any hair & beauty business - however, no two systems are alike, so make sure to choose a reputable one! Look for a solution that offers useful features at a price that will not break the bank - the answer is Booksy.

This system works not only as a salon appointment manager, it is also your virtual receptionist, in charge of automatically reminding you and your clients of upcoming appointments, generating sales reports, calculating staff commissions and tips, as well as managing stockstakes and predicting future revenue. Although you feel a sense of nostalgia every time you pull out a leather bound notebook, is this factor more important than effectively managing and running your salon?

When shopping for your salon, remember that the purchases you make give light into the quality of your business. Sure, penny pinching once in a while will not harm your salon, but doing so regularly will significantly bring your business's quality down. Invest in quality products and watch your business grow!

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