How to implement discounts without hurting your salon business

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For a beauty salon owner, discount coupons can be a daydream turning into a nightmare. At first, you are ecstatic - it was so easy to implement it and now you are fully booked to the end of the month! You officially defeated the quiet days, built a column for a new employee and introduced a new treatment at the same time! Now you are convinced that there is no better marketing technique than offering discounts. The realisation comes a few weeks later, when you are doing a monthly financial summary. Even though the entire team worked very hard, you did not really earn that much - which is understandable, since you offered 50% off every treatment, you basically earned half the money you normally would. Moreover, despite the fact that so many new clients came to your salon for your offers, very few of them rebooked. Some of them were unimpressed with the service. They had it done by the new employee, who had no supervision over them, as everyone was busy due to being fully booked. Now you realise you should not have thrown the new employee into the deep end like that. Moreover, it turned out that you were not ready to introduce the new treatment in such a rushed manner - if you were to do it gradually, you would have time to get familiar with it and improve your service accordingly. Some customers may have gone home thinking you are not as professional as they thought - and the chance of them coming back is low. There may have also been a lot of people who came only because they are deal hunters and were interested in grabbing a bargain. You even get the impression that fewer people book appointments now - it seems like they are waiting for another big discount to happen. You panic a little. What went wrong?

Pros & cons of offering salon discounts

As you can see, salon discounts may bring you more harm than good. What are the risks of offering discounts without a well-thought-out plan?

On the other hand - you can still see salons around you offering discounts. This technique definitely still has its advantages, but only if executed properly:

Discount alternatives that bring real profit

With all of this in mind, what can you do to avoid risks and enhance the benefits of providing salon discounts?

Statistics tell the truth

Tracking your revenue is essential whenever you are doing any promotions. You have to be able to see whether they bring you any profit or not. Real-time cash reports are one thing, but you will need detailed financial statistics, appointment and popularity of services accountancy, as well as customer rebooking rate reports. Once again, salon software comes to the rescue. You only have to enter the data and the Booksy system will do the rest. Get yourself the best salon business helper on the market and implement promotional campaigns that will bring you real profit!

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