How to encourage men to visit your salon?

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The clientele of the hair & beauty sector changes and develops as dynamically as the salons and specialists who work there. Nowadays, the world of professional health & beauty care is open not solely to women, and more and more men are becoming persuaded to enter it. How do you get your message across to entice men to visit your establishment?

When looking for ways to increase the male share of your clientele, first and foremost, we should have a good think about the specificity of this target group. Is trying to communicate with men in the same way as we do in the case of women justified and reasonable? Of course not! 

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

It is no revelation that women and men have a fundamentally different nature – both in the mental and physical sphere. Therefore, an indisputable fact is that their needs and preferences in hairdressing and beauty are also distinctive.

For that reason, in order to persuade men to make regular visits to your salon, you need to suitably adapt your services and product portfolio, but also communicate with them in the right way. However, before you do anything else, you should direct your efforts at letting them know of your existence and encourage them to book their first visit.

How can this be done?

Brand ambassadors

If you are lucky enough to have a solid group of satisfied female clients, it is advantageous to profit from their support and employ it in making recommendations of your salon to their male friends and family members.

How do you do this? By reminding them that whenever they are thinking about providing targeted care for their partners, fathers and brothers, they should always think about your establishment. When running a campaign of this type, of great assistance are the tools available in Booksy that facilitate the sending of messages and which ensure that they are sent exactly to the people they are designed to reach.

Of key importance for these types of activities is undoubtedly the content of the messages sent. To effectively encourage your female clients to enter into the role of a brand ambassador, it is worthwhile to come up with a suitable reward for their involvement. This could be an attractive discount for the services you provide, a free product or an amount voucher up for grabs each time they successfully recommend your business to their family or friends.

The unquestionable power of the Internet

An excellent way to promote your products and services designed for men is the use of your website and social media sites. The opportunities are endless.

You can place information about a special offer for men who book their first visit, promotions in the form of discounts for Father's Day or National Boyfriend Day, or publish before and after photographs, to make the visual types of individuals become aware how much they can improve their appearance by simply visiting your hair & beauty salon.

Storing photographs of your male clients in client records to depict the positive changes to their image will also undoubtedly help reinforce the loyalty of the men visiting your salon and encourage them to book repeat visits.

Thanks to the tools available in the Booksy salon management software, the acquisition of new clients and preparation of personalised communication is currently easier than ever before. The capabilities linked to the development of creative and effective (as a result of being accurately matched to the selected target group) promotional campaigns are waiting to be discovered. The only constraint is our own imagination.

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