How to delight salon staff

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Your salon staff are miracle workers - providing awe-inspiring transformations even you would sometimes consider impossible feats to accomplish. Your clients are head over heels with their new looks and cannot wait for their next appointment. Having a fully-functioning salon team who work their magic all year round is the heart of your salon. Sure, you give them a raise every so often, but is that truly enough to thank them for their hard work and dedication?

Bear in mind that a happy stylist puts in 100% of their efforts into their work, creating more happy and loyal clients, which as a result makes you jump for joy! So what can you do to give staff some of that extra joy?

Get to know your employees

Knowing your staff work times and their names is in some part “knowing” them, but not entirely. Although this should have been done during the hiring process - if you have missed out, try getting to know your staff now. You most likely engage in chit-chat during workdays - well, take it a step further! If a staff member mentions a favourite show, restaurant or pastime, ask about it! Why they like it, what makes it so interesting, etc. Staff will feel more open to talking to you and will feel more at ease when working.

Good boss qualities

Like the majority of salon owners, you probably consider yourself a good boss - you pay staff reasonable wages, you are not strict on working hours, and staff receive a fair number of days off. However, are you going beyond the call of duty? When you take all of this into consideration, you are not providing anything extravagant. Does this make you a bad boss? No, but providing staff basic necessities is not being an exceptionally good boss either. So what does it take to become one?

Working hard with staff - what does it mean?

Salon employees have a number of responsibilities they must undertake - servicing clients, encouraging them to book again and cleaning workstations, to name a few. But what really delights staff is seeing you take a chunk of the workload. This does not mean undertaking tasks you usually do not deal with, but just being present and letting staff know that you are there if they need anything. This keeps morals high and employees feel more at ease while working.

If you are not present among your staff, you may experience a strong divide between them and yourself. They may also begin to care less and treat their position as just a job they are being paid for, instead of a place they enjoy working at.

The perfect celebration

We have all been there - in restaurants, cafes and even salons - people have wished us happy birthday. Although it is something we cringe at, the truth is, after the singing is over, we feel joyful! So why not implement this into your business routine and host a hair stylist birthday they will never forget!

Did you know that birthday marketing is perfect for drawing clients to your salon? Using your Booksy hair salon system, send clients an SMS or email invitation to take part in the fun. Make sure you have prepared beverages, snacks and that your staff (excluding the birthday person) is informed. In your invitation, remember to include the time, date and remind clients to sing “happy birthday hair stylist” when the time is right. You may also want to consider offering an attractive discount on all treatments, to encourage customers to book their spots!

Tip: after the event, send a thank you message to all of the attendees and ask them to leave feedback on your salon - with all of the excitement, they will be sure to leave five star reviews!

Employee discounts - fill two needs with one deed

Every salon is doing it - offering staff great discounts on products they work with day-to-day, but did you know that there are hidden benefits of doing this? For starters, your staff will be overjoyed to purchase their favourite conditioner they love working with. Your employees know the quality of your retail and backbar products, so they know exactly what interests them.

However, that is not all - by giving out employee discounts, you also make room on your shelves. Check your Booksy inventory feature regularly and track product sales and usage. If you notice items that are not selling as well as you would like, sell them at a discount to your staff! What's more, employees that utilise your products will more likely recommend them to customers, which will be enough encouragement for them to make a purchase.

There are a number of great ways to keep staff motivated at work - try our advices and let us know what works for you best! And to better organise your work, grab your Booksy account today!

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