How to benefit from using customer records in a beauty salon

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Good knowledge of your clients enables you to provide them with better care – and thus gain their trust and loyalty. But how can you remember every detail when your salon welcomes countless numbers of people every day? Customer records are the answer you have been looking for – a reliable tool for any beauty salon. When clients return to their favourite salon, they expect to be treated with special attention. They look forward to being attended by a trusted specialist who remembers which treatments they like, what products to avoid using for health reasons, and any small details, such as their favorite TV show. However, while providing services to several people every day, your employees are simply unable to memorise all of the details linked to every client. Making handwritten notes is not a viable solution either – as in a very short time a small notebook would transform into a huge binder where it would be extremely difficult to find anything. Is there a way to meet the expectations of our clients? What every beauty salon needs are well-organised customer records – innovative, electronic and convenient. They not only allow you to jot down important aspects, but also make finding them when needed a truly simple task.

Exceptional memory or customer records of a beauty salon

You win the trust and loyalty of your clients through your professionalism. Of course, high personal and professional culture of your employees, as well as exemplary technique, are the foundations of your business; however, other less obvious aspects are also vital – such as excellent memory. In this case, the electronic customer records are the ace up your sleeve. They play a particularly important role in a beauty salon, as they allow you to carefully prepare for each visit and positively surprise your clients. By mentioning topics discussed during their previous visit, serving them their favourite coffee or asking for feedback on the cosmetics they have purchased during their last visit, you make them feel like they are important to you, which builds positive client relations. This makes your clients feel “at home” in your salon and ensures that they will probably not visit your competition. In time, the relationship with your clients will become stronger and long-lasting.

Customer records in a beauty salon = maximum security

It is important to remember that customer records in a beauty salon are not simply for building positive client relationships, but meant to provide maximum safety of client records, such as making notes on medical contraindications or allergies. Unfortunately, there are still many “specialists” active on the market who do not pay attention to health issues, so professional salons are often forced to help desperate clients seeking help due to post-treatment complications. Customer records help you avoid such unpleasant situations, ensuring the health and comfort of your clients. In short, by keeping customer records of your beauty salon, you become a role model in your field of expertise.

The unquestionable power of the image

Customer records kept by a beauty salon are also a perfect place to store photos showing the results of treatments performed – for instance, in the form of "before and after" comparisons. This excellent solution allows you to show off these results by taking advantage of the contrast between the images – to emphasise the visible changes. Thanks to the unquestionable power of the image, your clients will be able to clearly see the benefits of visiting your salon. With their consent, you can also use the materials to promote your company on social media – in order to encourage others. This is an excellent way to show the clients your skills and prove their effectiveness. The provision of perfect customer service to your clients is a recipe for success in the beauty sector. Although it is quite a challenge, things are made easier when you keep customer records. In a beauty salon, they also facilitate teamwork – each employee has access to notes on each customer, so they can provide excellent service to clients who are usually tended by other employees. One tool – many advantages! Put all these functionalities of the Booksy system to the test now – visit and start using the system for free.

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