How should client records be stored in a salon?

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One of the fundamental aspects of effectively running your business is knowing your clients. Even the most seemingly trivial bits of information, such as their favourite television shows and beverages, to more important things, such as their allergies and treatment history, play an important role when treating clients. With that being said, shouldn’t this sensitive information be stored in a secure place? And we’re not talking about a paper notebook! We’re going to cover how to keep customer records safe and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Why paper doesn’t work

From the amassed number of coffee stains and torn out pages, to the undecipherable notes and guilt trips caused by doing your part in producing paper waste, paper notebooks aren’t all that great. Not only are they susceptible to getting damaged, but they can also easily be misplaced or stolen, which can land you in hot water. A paper notebook doesn’t come with a fingerprint scanner or a PIN to unlock it - all it takes is leaving it out in the open and presto! Someone might go through its pages and make use of the information found inside.

Customer data loss and its consequences

Paper notebooks, client cards and sticky notes are an ineffective and unprofessional form of salon record-keeping - that’s obvious. But did you know that customer data loss can lead to a number of fines? By now you’re more than likely familiar with the enacted GDPR, which encourages businesses to better protect their customers’ data and to not use it without their consent. Now, what happens when you lose your notebook with all of their records? If you find it in time then hopefully nothing will happen. But what if it falls into the wrong hands? Let’s say that one of your booth renters you’ve recently had a falling-out with finds your great big book of client records and decides to take a handful of your customers. They open it and take a number of pictures. In less than 15 seconds, your data has been compromised. What’s worse, that employee begins calling some of those clients, encouraging them to book with them instead. If customers begin to notice that their data has been leaked, they’re going to blame you. If you don’t report a data breach within 72 hours of finding out about it, you may be fined - so make sure to do this as soon as possible. You can find out more on the website. Aside from possible fines, your business’ reputation will definitely get tarnished, and rebuilding it won’t be easy.

The importance of client data

Contact information is vital for staying in touch with clients and notes pertaining to allergies and specific conditions they may have are important when treating them. But what about more trivial information, such as a client’s favourite show on Netflix, their preferred type of coffee and their last 3 treatments? Although seemingly irrelevant, this data is essential for building customer loyalty and making each visit a memorable one. The next time a regular comes in for their appointment, ask them about their favourite show or mention that you’ve just introduced a treatment similar to what they’ve had in the past. Clients tend to bond better with businesses that know them as a person and not just a customer. And by recommending them a service similar to one they’ve had in the past, you’re more likely to sell it. The truth is, the better you know your clients, the more sales you’re likely to make!

Secure methods

Customer data is essential for running any hair and beauty business effectively - without it, how will you remember every client’s service history, contact information, allergies, formulas, etc? Since it’s so vital to how you run your business, shouldn’t it be better managed? Sure, you can keep everything in a paper notebook and secure it in a drawer under lock and key, but let’s be real here, who has time to take it out and put it back once you’re done using it? So, exactly how should client records be stored in a salon? In a digital salon system of course! Chances are your phone, credit card or laptop have security measures in place. Why? In order to protect your sensitive data. So why not protect your clients’?

Booksy salon software is the ideal choice for storing important (and less important) customer information. The system comes with a number of security tools, the most popular being staff access levels. It's a security measure that limits the access your staff have to various data, such as financial reports, client information, etc. Aside from cutting-edge security, Booksy’s customer database also lets you store clients’ individual purchase history, favourite treatments, purchased gift cards, before and after pictures, addresses and notes (which may include formulas, allergies or your own comments). Imagine keeping all of this data on each customer in a paper notebook! See for yourself how easy it is to manage your customer data, all with the click of a button. Sign up for your free Booksy trial today!

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