How does software resolve the daily struggles of massage therapists and spa owners?

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When a return customer visits their favourite spa, all they think about is lying facedown on a relaxing massage table and getting treated like royalty. They get serviced, exchange a few friendly thank you’s with the staff and go about the remainder of their day. During this entire process, your spa team was working hard, making sure that the treatment and overall servicing of the client was as smooth as possible. However, behind the scenes, things are far more complicated.

When it comes down to day-to-day tasks of spa owners, you have a significant number of responsibilities - managing your calendar, creating marketing campaigns, motivating your team, staying in touch with clients and regularly gathering reports on all of your activities to name a few. In other words, without the proper solution, you are most likely overworking yourself. So how exactly can these tasks be streamlined?

Introducing spa software

In recent years, there has been an enormous spike in technological innovations, thanks to which organising our daily lives has become less of a burden. One of the industries affected by this technological revolution is the spa industry. Today, modern spas have made the switch from disorganised paper calendars to innovative spa software like Booksy, however, there are sceptical business owners who still stick to ineffective paper notebooks. If you have not made the switch yet, you may be asking: “What can a system do that my notebook cannot?” The answer is everything and more.

Imagine a tool that automates a large fraction of your daily tasks, giving you more time to focus on your clients. All reports, appointment calendars, employee work times, marketing activities and stock levels are easy to manage - with just a click of a button. You do not have to imagine anything, Booksy is the solution! 

Appointment management made easy

Effectively running an appointment calendar is vital for every spa business in order to avoid double bookings, cancellations or mistakes related to the booking. Although you focus on avoiding such situations, there is a slight chance of them occurring if you use a paper notebook. You may be overloaded with tasks and you forget to book a timeslot, remind clients of their visit or to write down any special requests for an appointment, thus completely leaving your day in disarray. But the real nightmare begins when two customers come in for one individual booking, a client forgets about their visit (again) or you forget to fulfil an additional request to an appointment. Ouch!

Instead of dealing with this spa nightmare, avoid it in the first place with the Booksy spa appointment manager! The system makes it impossible for double bookings to take place, even if an appointment is made via the online booking system. And no-shows? They are reduced by at least 70% with the help of automated SMS, push and email reminders, so you no longer have to send them by hand! Additionally, any extra customer requests can be added by staff or by the client - so now you won’t forget to include that extra massage oil or lavender scented candles to a treatment. 

Effective marketing with spa software

In the spa industry, marketing campaigns play a vital role in growing the number of loyal customers, improving brand awareness and promoting a specific product or service. In fact, if executed correctly, they can help grow nearly every part of your business. There is just one obstacle in the way - marketing effectively, because creating a Facebook post or two will not do the job!

Let’s face it, posting your latest spa offers or new treatment options on various social media pages will bring some results, but bear in mind that you are reaching out to all of your clients and followers, and not a specified audience. Not to mention readers might not even get the chance to see your post, as it may get flooded by other content in their newsfeed. To resolve this matter, spa owners utilise the intuitive marketing capabilities of reliable spa software like Booksy.

An effective marketing campaign should stimulate visible growth for your spa and to do so, you need to reach your target audience. Imagine sending your latest offer on a men’s waxing and massage session to all of your clients, including your female ones - not the best idea. With Booksy, easily create client groups based on shared criteria, and launch your campaign to the intended audience, 100% of the time! 

Improve customer loyalty - the Booksy way!

Although traditional methods for growing customer loyalty are effective to some extent, they are often limited to the creation of offers. Sure, customers visit your business for your friendly staff, top-quality treatments and service, but in order to retain and grow customer loyalty spas create offers that bind the client to the business. Any number of discounted products, services and gift cards entices customers to keep coming to the business, however, this may also increase the number of price-driven clients who keep an eye out for any new markdowns at your spa. Ask yourself: "Are such customers truly loyal to my spa?"

The truth is, if you cease offering discounts, these clients will most likely choose another business over yours. Avoid this kind of situation by selling service packages and offer your customers something extra, but only if they pay in advance for a few sessions of their favourite treatment. This way, you're making sure they'll keep coming back to redeem the package.

Or offer your clients a referral system in which they will be able to get a free service, a product or perhaps an amount voucher for successfully recommending your spa to their family or friends. It will help your client list grow and turn your existing customers into your ardent patrons.

Know your numbers!

Every successful spa owner knows the importance of gathering accurate statistics on their business. Without this data, knowing which treatments, products or marketing campaigns bring your business the most revenue becomes a guessing game. In fact, if it takes you longer than 3 minutes to calculate your monthly revenue, you are definitely working too hard! Plus, there are other statistics needed to be followed as well, like staff work time reports, commissions, and individual product, service and gift card sales.

With the help of Booksy, generating spa statistics will take just a couple of clicks - no calculator required! Track the effectiveness of recent marketing campaigns or scale down and generate sales reports on your lavender massage oil or your newest seaweed body wrap treatment. If you notice a drop in sales, offer your product or service at a discount and watch for any changes - an increase in sales shows that customers desire that product or service, but may consider your regular price too high. Better yet, compare your current statistics with last year’s to see how much your business has improved and see if there are any areas you still may need to work on. 

Finally, more time for you!

When we think about it, every new and innovative solution has two main purposes - to help streamline our work and save us valuable time. So why stick to a paper book that does neither of these? As a spa owner, you make sure your business functions correctly and doing so at the expense of your time is counterproductive. Instead, use this time to focus on more important matters, like tending to your customers, or better yet, leave your spa in the hands of responsible management and take a break!

With Booksy, you no longer have to worry about how your spa will function without you. The system gives you access to everything about your spa - even if you are halfway across the globe. Easily check staff appointment calendars or check daily revenue while you are away - with Booksy, you will find peace of mind!

With so many benefits to help you manage and grow your spa, the choice between a spa management system and a paper notebook is as clear as day. Take control of your spa with Booksy!

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