How do you benefit from your clients using Booksy - and how to encourage them to do so

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They say that old habits die hard - and most people working in the service industry would probably agree wholeheartedly. Clients tend to stick to things they know, even if there is a better alternative available within their reach. Used to calling by phone, sending text messages or chasing via Messenger or Whatsapp, many customers have trouble switching to booking their appointments using an app, regardless of how easy to use and convenient it may be.

However, it is in your best interest to introduce your clients to the Booksy app and get them to use it! There are just too many benefits for both sides to pass on this opportunity. Let’s take a look at all the perks that come from handling appointments this way and learn how to talk to your customers about Booksy in a professional manner.

What do you gain from getting your clients to use Booksy?

You can finally focus on your job

Any hair & beauty specialist can agree that nothing gets you off the beaten track like a constant stream of calls and messages. Yes, you are happy to hear from a loyal customer and yes, you are thankful for the busy week ahead of you… but it’s really, really difficult to stay focused when you have to check the appointment calendar constantly and go back and forth with dozens of people via a few different channels. If you find yourself frowning subconsciously whenever you hear a notification, then it’s a clear sign that you are tired of managing that never-ending stream of requests.

Your clients using Booksy gives you peace of mind. Yes, you are a business person but you are an artist first - now you can finally do your job uninterrupted, while your clients book their own appointments. While keeping full control of your schedule, you are able to focus on providing the perfect service to the customer sitting in your chair at the moment.

You boost customer loyalty and booking frequency

Booksy app for clients uses clever little tricks to encourage customers to become loyal clients of their salons and barbershops of choice. For example, using the app again after the initial visit, the client is welcomed by a “book again” button that encourages them to schedule another service with their last provider. Booksy also sends automatic “next appointment” push notifications. It’s convenient for the customer, as it serves as a convenient reminder that helps with maintaining the effects of treatment, but most of all, it works in your favour, turning one-time clients into loyal patrons.

You are more likely to get a stellar review

Customer reviews are the make or break of a business. Unfortunately, people are usually very vocal when it comes to things they didn’t like, while they rarely feel obligated to share their good experiences! However, the Booksy app wants your business to get an honest review from every single client, so they receive an in-app notification asking them to share their opinion. It makes them feel seen and heard, evoking the feeling that their opinion matters, while you get exposure and free marketing!

You easily gather data you can then use for marketing purposes

Knowledge is power. The more data you have on your clients the better you can reach them. If you expand your client database within Booksy (which is 100% GDPR-compliant and perfectly safe), you get a perfect base for running successful marketing campaigns. Booksy’s functionalities such as Message Blast allow you to precisely target your customers with offers that can actually spark their interest. Not to even mention sending them birthday wishes or automated appointment reminders!

How to introduce Booksy to your clients?

Show them the benefits

It’s perfectly normal that not all of your clients will be interested in downloading the Booksy app right off the bat. After all, why would they engage in something they can’t yet see the value of?  This is why the most crucial part of getting your customers to start using Booksy is to actually show them why it works in their favour.

Once you have the client on your chair, you can tell them that from now on they can book their own appointments with just a few clicks, skipping the calling or texting part. Mention how convenient it is to have a physical diary in front of them, always seeing the available dates and not having to wait for a response. You can also talk about:

Use the “Invite friends” feature

The "Invite friends" feature allows you to send a direct request to your clients that invites them to make their own Booksy account and start booking with you via the app. You can do so through many different channels.

You can send them an email or a text message by entering their address or phone number by hand. However, to make things much easier and faster, this feature also allows you to connect your address book from your phone and send all the contacts an SMS message. Similarly, it’s possible to connect your email address book as well and send a bulk email message to all your contacts. Finally, you can even connect your Facebook page and send a message to all your friends there.

Engage your social media fan pages

Did you know that you can add “Book now” buttons on both your Facebook and Instagram pages that lead directly to your Booksy profile? You would be surprised to learn how many people book their first appointment this way. When a potential customer scrolls through your Instagram or Facebook page and sees the amazing photos of your work, they are likely to get that impulsive rush of “I want that!” and feel much more inclined to click a CTA. Then they go directly to your booking page, can clearly see free slots in your calendar and finalise the process in just a few clicks. The less time they need to schedule an appointment, the less likely they are to give up on the idea.

However, adding a “Book now” button is just the beginning of what you can do. You can also enrich your page with your unique subdomain and CDL links. They work similarly to the “Book now” button, leading your followers directly to your Booksy profile and prompting them to download the app, but you can basically use them wherever you want - from your bio to casual posts.

Speaking of which - it’s a good idea to give your followers a rundown on the benefits they get from booking via Booksy. Make sure that such posts fit your usual tone of voice and remember to always talk about the values from the client's point of view.

Introducing customers to new solutions for activities they’ve been doing a certain way for years can be difficult. However, they say that people get used to good things quickly - and once someone gets to know the convenience of managing their hair & beauty plans via Booksy, they never look back. You get more time to work with the client, less bothersome tasks, a boost in client loyalty, an inflow of marketing opportunities and more. They can book with you 24/h and take advantage of amenities such as waitlists and appointment reminders. What's not to love there?

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