Friends and family - your most difficult clients

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This topic always sparks controversy among beauty professionals. Should you treat your relatives as any other clients? On one hand, your close ones should support your business and therefore pay the full price every time. On the other, providing your nearest & dearest with your services for free (or with a significant discount) is a natural thing to do. For some people, giving away your services for free to anyone is a huge mistake, for others - making your friends and family pay is absolutely out of the question. Who is in the right? Is there even a one-size-fits-all solution? How can you set your boundaries and communicate with your relatives to avoid hurting both your business and your relationships? Let’s talk about the pros and cons of every case scenario, which approach fits your needs best and how you can stand your ground without being impolite.

Is there a right solution?

The short answer - no. It’s crucial to understand that every family is different and numerous factors affect the way we approach our relatives. The depth of bonds, previous experiences, personalities, the way they treat you and your business, even material status may be the key factors. If your mother-in-law is a charming elderly lady living on a low pension who babysits your child and is always an absolute gem, of course, you may want to invite her for a free pampering. If you speak with one another only once a year (and she only criticises the way you raise her grandchildren) and suddenly expects to get a luxurious treatment for free, even though you know she can afford it, it’s understandable you may be strongly against the idea. Some relatives are extremely supportive, some toxic and manipulative - this is why you can’t measure every case by the same yardstick.

Providing discounts and free services to your friends and family

When can it be a good idea?

Tip: In Booksy, you can easily tag your customers #FriendsandFamily or set a regular discount for your special customers. Moreover, you can keep your employees motivated by giving them the opportunity to treat their nearest and dearest to an occasional discount.

When may it not be the best idea?

Making your friends and family pay the full price

When can it be a good idea?

When may it not be the best idea?

Assertiveness is the key

As you can see, the most important factor is what you think about the situation. Some people are very strict about their business being - well - a business, and no matter how close they are with their family, they will require payment for every service. And that’s fair. There is nothing wrong with granting your close ones with occasional free treatments, either - however, you have to keep a healthy balance and be assertive, to avoid the situation getting out of hand.

From the business point of view, making your relatives pay for every appointment is the right thing to do - but at the end of the day, it’s you who sorts out your priorities. It’s always a good idea to keep a careful eye on your Booksy statistics, thanks to which you will be able to tell if the “family services” bring you significant losses. Nevertheless, when it comes to approaching your friends and family members in your business, it all boils down to your principles and personal experience - and it’s up to you to find your very own balance between caring for your business and caring for your relatives.

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