Everything you need to know about rebooking clients

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This probably sounds like another marketing scheme that you need to constantly practice in order to perfect your skills, however, rebooking customers is by far the easiest and least time consuming of all marketing activities helping you earn more. In fact, you probably do it every day without knowing. So how can you improve your rebooking skills and start making more profit? Read on and find out!

When to encourage clients to rebook?

Most stylists, barbers and even makeup artists agree - rebooking a client should be done right after you’ve finished servicing them. And they’re wrong. Why? Well, when a customer is paying for their treatment, they’re thinking about going on about their day - after all, they’ve been sitting for quite some time and are probably eager to leave. An out-of-the-box example has to do with gas stations, which also have a poor approach of trying to make a profit off of clients. You fill up your tank, go in to pay and upon doing so, the guy recommends you get a coffee. You usually respond with “no, thank you” - but what if you were asked while you were filling your tank? The same can be said about your beauty business. While you work on a client, you probably exchange funny stories, gossip and discuss favourite television shows, but you should also make room for mentioning rebooking. Include that the treatment you’ve provided requires regular upkeep in order to stay looking fresh. While seated, your client will have time to think over your proposition and will be more likely to go up on your offer.

Know your customers

Like it or not, the service industry is one that demands businesses know their clientele and its needs - and salons are no exception. That is why gathering accurate customer information is so important. However, paper notebooks won’t do you any justice - the go-to solution should be a digital salon organiser. But how does this correlate to rebooking? Digital salon systems like Booksy allow salon owners to gather everything on their clients. From appointment history and favourite treatments to storing their before and after pictures as well as information on whether or not they’re friendly and open to conversations. Now comes the fun part. One of your favourite clients is scheduled with you later that day for a root touch up. You check her history and notice that she had a keratin treatment 2 months ago and really liked it. When she arrives, ask her about her hair and if she’s noticed any breakage or hair loss and recommend she books another keratin treatment. With a digital organiser, such information can be found on individual client records, without you having to skim through an entire disorganised paper notebook. Plus, you can easily rebook the client without even having to type their name again.

Tread lightly around new clients

New customers can be tricky when it comes to rebooking, and sure, it helps if they’re friendly and talkative, but if they keep to themselves or are constantly on their phones, you’re going to have a hard time encouraging them to rebook. When looking to break down their barriers, it’s always a good idea to focus on their appearance. Mention how much you love their hair, nails or outfit and consider recommending them a new look, based on what previous clients have had. If they open up, then it’s time to act. Mention the proper ways for the client to maintain their new look and suggest when they should come in for a touch-up. Then, ask them if you can book them for that date! Once your customer leaves, make sure to send them a thank you text via Booksy.

Think complementary!

When you think about rebooking clients, the first thing that usually comes to mind is booking a customer a touch-up treatment - however, think about rebooking them for complementary services. A client who hasn't been in your salon for quite some time had just booked a root touch-up to hide away their regrowth and probably has uneven ends. When they come in and you do their roots, recommend that they should also get a trim to even out the split ends, as they’re quite visible. Since the customer’s main goal is to maintain their look, they’ll definitely take a trim into consideration! Remember that your customers most likely visit a number of hair and beauty businesses for a variety of treatments. Consider introducing services that go hand in hand with the ones you already have on your menu. By doing so, you can expect to gain more loyal clients and make more profit! Rebooking customers is ideal for generating additional profit, but also improving your client loyalty. However, to get the most out of your rebookings, try Booksy. From gathering customer information, treatment statistics, and appointment history, to sending thank you text messages, there’s no other like it. Add Booksy to your rebooking activities and get the most out of it! Sign up for free today!

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