Create an outstanding hair & beauty specialist CV

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No matter the industry, every business that hires staff goes through countless CV applications before choosing the right one. Sometimes the business is torn between two or more, and in some instances, one outshines the rest. Ideally, having a “one size fits all” CV would be great, but every industry has its own specific requirements when judging a candidate. So what should candidates pay the most attention to when preparing their CV for a position in a salon or spa?

Your layout

Even though you may have desirable work experience and education, your potential employer will not be in awe if your CV is in a state of disarray. For employers, an unorganized CV means that the candidate does not take the position seriously or simply created it the last minute, which may be a telltale sign that the person may be disorganised at the workplace. Although most people would not consider it, salons and spas take the time to carefully look into every minute detail of the resume, including an aesthetic appeal.

Make sure your CV is typed in a consistent and regular font - avoiding cursive styles with bright colors, as these are considered unprofessional. Attempt to put yourself in the shoes of your potential boss and ask yourself :“Is this CV easy to read? Are there any recurring grammatical errors in the body of the CV? Is it well-organised and has the candidate refrained from using massive paragraphs?” Before clicking the “send email” button, do a final brainstorm on how to create a good hair&beauty CV. Consider searching for a CV template example online, which may give you an idea on how to organize your information.

What your CV should include

Your CV is a snapshot of your entire work-related history and should include the best reasons why you are fit for the position. When applying to join a salon or spa team, it is important to keep a few vital details in mind. An expert hairdresser CV, barber CV, PMU CV and even a MUA CV all share one necessary requirement - a work portfolio. In order for a candidate to pass the first round of qualification, a work portfolio is key! Let’s face it - anyone can falsify information on their CV, and only testing the claim proves whether or not the person is qualified for a given position.

Besides the portfolio, a timeline of your past workplaces is also important. Include your previous positions and the timeframe for how long you were hired. In a separate section, make sure to include your level of education, as this is the perfect ace up your sleeve. Including any certifications, degrees or references you have received make for a great cherry on top of your CV!

Keep these out of your CV

Every candidate wants to make a good first impression on their potential employer, but there are certain pieces of information that you should avoid sharing on your CV. Bear in mind that your CV is a representation of your work experience and education, so refrain from sharing how much you love your Pomeranian and why yoga is your favorite hobby. You may consider this information to be an important part of who you are, but some employers may consider this filler information in your hair&beauty CV. Do not worry, you will have plenty of time to share interests and hobbies with your coworkers!

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