Bad days at your salon. How to deal with the loss of energy?

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You love your job, you truly do. Okay, you may not be the brightest ray of sunshine when you come to your salon after a busy weekend, but as soon as you get in the rhythm, you are in the right mood and ready to provide the best beauty services in town. However, there are days when you just feel like something is wrong - you feel fatigued right off the bat, a third cup of coffee only makes your hands shaky, you have no patience whatsoever and to be honest - you would prefer to go home and fall on the couch. What is happening? In general, most causes of inexplicable fatigue come from one of three factors: physical health problems, mental conditions and lifestyle issues. Which of these is affecting you and how can you get your energy back, so that you accomplish everyday salon tasks with a smile on your face?

Physical health problems

First things first, you have to make sure that your loss of energy isn’t caused by a medical condition. The list of physical issues that are manifested by feeling tired and discouraged is long and wide in range. It may be a lack of certain vitamins and microelements, anaemia or some kind of infection, such as the flu. But it can also be something more serious. In general, when you are feeling chronically tired, it’s best to contact your doctor - especially if you experience other symptoms you cannot find a reason for, such as:

Make sure to speak with your doctor if you show any of these signs - you may be redirected to a specialist or prescribed any necessary supplementation.

Mental conditions

Sometimes chronic fatigue may be caused by mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety or insomnia. You should never ignore symptoms of these illnesses, because if left untreated, they can be even more dangerous than physical problems. You should seek help as soon as you notice symptoms such as:

Lifestyle issues

Now, if you ruled out health problems, it’s probably your lifestyle that needs some adjustments.

Learn to unwind & delegate duties Stress is one of the most common factors that cause a loss of energy. As a salon owner, you work incredibly hard to keep your business successful. That’s why you probably take on too many tasks, just to make sure everything is done perfectly. You are likely to be overworked, exhausted and overwhelmed with responsibilities. You have to learn to trust your employees and allow others to do their jobs without your constant control. No more missing lunch breaks in the name of doing inventory control, or staying late after hours rewriting illegible customer records! Make time to relax and think about everything but your job. Consider getting a digital helper that will do lots of salon tasks for you. Booksy stores your appointment history, has built-in SMS and email messaging, online booking, statistics, stock control, employee management and much more.

Get your needed sleep We all have our own body clocks. Some of us need more sleep and others feel better after a quick nap. Get to know your own need for sleep and stick to it - also, try going to bed before midnight. It can make a huge change!

Balance your diet I’m the last person to tell you that you should eat in a certain way. And what I want to say, it’s quite the opposite - you should eat everything you like. The trick is to keep everything in balance. Get those proteins and healthy fats with whole grains, high-fibre vegetables, nuts and fish, make sure to fill yourself with vitamins and microelements from fruits and berries - and then eat your guilty pleasure dessert without actually feeling guilty. It’s all about harmony!

Move your body Not really into gym workouts? Don’t worry, you don’t have to be. Just make sure you get some fresh air and regular activity. You can dance, do yoga or just go for a long walk - every form of activity is a step forward!

Eat and drink more regularly It’s a running joke between beauty salon workers - you go a whole day on a coffee and then you binge eat 3000 calories for supper. I know you are super busy, but this practice may drive your digestive system crazy. Prepare yourself a little snack and good lunch the day before work - and actually eat it during your lunch break! And don’t forget to drink regularly, preferably mineral water.

Keep work-life balance in check The most important thing: don’t let your salon duties affect your free time. Of course, you can’t just stop thinking about your job - it’s an important part of your life and you love what you do - but after hours, try to focus more on your friends, family and hobbies instead of your work.

However paradoxical it may sound, doing things that are not related to your beauty salon will help you become a better salon owner. Learn to care about your health and lifestyle and don’t be scared to ask for help and support. Also, introduce a digital helper into your salon - grab yourself a Booksy system that will help you with so many different aspects of running a beauty business. Above all, spend as much time as possible with the people you love - it’s the best prescription anyone can give you!

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