Addressing Coronavirus as a Business Owner

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 Now that the coronavirus has been declared a public health emergency worldwide, and confirmed cases of infection have been identified throughout the UK, it’s important for everyone to take steps to stay healthy. And that’s especially true for you, a business owner, who comes in close contact with more people than the average person. 

 Staying healthy at this stage simply means remaining on top of information that’s easily accessible and using those details to keep yourself, your clients, and your workspace safe. Because unless you live in a community that’s been directly affected, your actual risk level of contracting the virus is still probably quite low. But it’s important to take action to keep it that way. Here’s where you can start.  

Create a Safe Workspace

 While some of the safety tips circulating online may seem repetitive, COVID-19 is a virus that’s spread very rapidly. With more cases being investigated everyday, we’ve tailored the following tips specifically for members of the beauty and wellness industry, who regularly invite people into their workspace:

 Schedule more time between appointments 

 Give yourself more time after each session to fully sanitise your workspace by allocating 5 to 10 extra minutes between clients. You will also have additional time to wash your hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitiser.

 Separate workstations

 Part of the reason this virus has spread so easily is that it’s contagious between two people standing within as little as 5 to 6 feet of one another, according to the CDC

 Remember that COVID-19 is transmitted through droplets from coughs and sneezes. To stay safe, place your work stations at least an average body length away from one another to promote good respiratory hygiene habits, while giving clients some extra space. 

 Make sure tissues are easily accessible

 Provide tissues at each workstation to make it easier for clients to cough or sneeze into a disposable yet absorbent source. Make sure they’re available to fellow employees and customers by resting tissue boxes no more than an arm’s length away from each chair.

 Consider electronic payments

 Strongly consider using paperless, contactless, electronic methods to accept payments, instead of cash that can easily spread germs on contact. If you have Mobile Payments set up through Booksy, start asking your clients to pay for their services directly from their phone.

 Remind customers that paying directly through their mobile device is not only easy and convenient, but also minimises the spread of harmful germs and viruses. 

Put Clients at Ease 

 Not only is it important to maintain good hygiene habits to stay safe, it’s also important to put clients at ease mentally. Making sure hand soap and sanitisers are available is key. But also consider other ways to keep clients feeling good about visiting the shop. 

 Relax cancellation policies and encourage clients to cancel if they feel ill

 Remind customers that if they aren’t feeling well it’s okay to cancel an appointment and reschedule for a later date, once they’re feeling better. 

 Send a mass text message or an email blast to let customers know that cancellations aren’t frowned upon during this time. And consider letting them know it’s easy to change the time and date of a session. 

 Encourage clients to book appointments online

 People will want to avoid large crowds and areas where numerous individuals gather, as details on COVID-19 unfold, so remind people to book online instead of walking-in to your space. 

 This is another great opportunity for sending a mass message to clients. In this scenario, let people know it’s easy to book online to reduce wait times and decrease the likelihood of waiting in a congested area.

 Display Information on How to Stay Safe

 Remind clients to maintain good respiratory hygiene by using signage or posters. These simple and easy to create tools can also be used to remind clients to wash their hands before and after sessions. 

 Continue monitoring details on the spread of COVID-19 

 Staying up to date on what’s happening in regards to COVID-19 is also a great idea, as you will be able to answer questions on the subject, which will set long-term or first-time clients at ease. 

 Knowing some of the specific communities that have experienced outbreaks is a great place to start. And feel free to review online content from credible sources, such as the World Health Organization or the UK Government.

Staying Healthy in General Public 

 While it’s important to stay safe while cutting hair, grooming beards, or creating nail art—it’s just as important to prioritise your own health by following some of these simple, straightforward tips:

 Keep hand sanitiser on you, if possible, and wash hands with soap and water frequently

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