7 tips from Adrian Bradbury from Rebel Rebel on how to get more clients as a personal trainer

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Are you planning to start a career as a personal trainer? Or maybe you are already running your own business but want to spice up your marketing strategy? If so, you are in for a treat - we’ve asked our Booksy Ambassador, Adrian from RebelRebel, to share his secrets when it comes to gaining more clients in this competitive industry. Interested? Sure you are! Let’s explore Adrian’s tips together.


1. Be memorable

“In a world where everything seems the same, you need to try to stand out”, says Adrian. Do you know what the point of difference is? It’s defined as factors or characteristics that make your product or service different from others in the market. Finding your own is a key to success - but you must be honest about it.

A good point of difference is one you can define and prove, and it has to bring real value to the client. Keep in mind it would become a vital part of your personal trainer branding! Vague claims such as “higher quality of services” or “friendly atmosphere” are not enough to make you stand out from the crowd. If you are to truly entice the customer after the first appointment or woo them with your social media presence, you need to be ready to put real effort into it.

If you want to learn more about finding your business’s point of difference, check out our article dedicated solely to this topic!

2. Be seen in all social media outlets

Where do people look for a personal trainer? Nowadays, most of us check all information on the Internet, so if you want to reach people interested in what you have to offer, you need to have a presence on the Internet. And not just any presence, but a really strong one at that.

Many inexperienced personal trainers are wondering what are the best personal training websites, or to be more specific - which channels help to get more personal training clients. Adrian’s advice? “Ask yourself - who is your ideal client and how does your ideal client consume content? Are they on LinkedIn, are they on Twitter, or maybe even on Tiktok?”. Understand who is your main target audience and how they engage with social media channels.

Do some thorough research, starting with your existing clients. If you are using Booksy to manage your business, take advantage of its statistic & reports feature and take a minute to read through it. What’s the age range you are working with? Are your customers mainly young adults or maybe middle-aged individuals? You will use a different tone of voice when targeting these groups, and you will look for them on different platforms. If you do not know who you are talking to, it will be difficult to reach them with your content!

3. Be consistent with your brand

Remember how we mentioned that your point of difference is a key element of your branding? Let’s get back to it for a minute. If you base your marketing and whole personal training advertising on a certain fact - for example: creating a safe space where the client will never feel judged - you must deliver on that promise. Furthermore, you must ensure that you will stay consistent with it across all channels. If you suddenly post a TikTok where you comment on incorrect exercise techniques in a judgemental manner, customers will no longer trust you. You have to ensure that the message you are sending to the world is coherent!

4. Be professional

You may think - okay, that’s an easy one, after all, I’m a trained specialist and I know what I do. And while you may be right, there is more to it than that. You have to be professional not only as a personal trainer but also as a business owner - which gets more complicated, especially if you are working solo.

To put it bluntly, if you fail to manage your appointments properly and there is a double booking, you may be the best personal trainer to even exist, and you still will be deemed unprofessional. If you fail the customer service part, you are also deemed unprofessional. If your social media channels are all over the place - it’s the same story. This is why having smart salon software, such as Booksy, gives you a natural advantage that will instantly elevate your business. With Booksy you can focus on your job and interacting with the client, while the burdensome tasks are automated and taken care of!

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5. Get those reviews!

Reviews are the cornerstone of the service industry, they can literally make or break your business. It’s super important to encourage your customers to rate their experience and leave their honest opinion. However, not every client is eager to write reviews, and unfortunately, many customers are more likely to get vocal if they are disappointed, rather than happy with the service.

Fortunately, there are ways to encourage people to share their good experiences with your business. Right after the appointment ends, Booksy sends your customer an automatic reminder through either the Booksy client app or the website, which leads them directly to your Booksy profile review section. If there is no response, another reminder is sent 24 hours later. Booksy’s interface is super intuitive and easy to use, to clients find it easy to leave their opinion!

Want to learn more about turning reviews into a powerful marketing tool? Check out our article on this topic!

6. Create more content

If you want to be on top of your personal trainer advertisement, you must be consistent with adding more and more content on your social media channels. A seemingly inactive account with the last post published a few months ago is not a good look! Furthermore, between the high competition on the market and even higher expectations of the clients, you want to ensure the content you create is served in an attractive way. “Try to invest in professional media and videos to show your business brand in the best light possible”, Adrian advises.

7. Be motivated!

Finally - don’t give up if your marketing activities won’t “click” right away! There is a lot of “trial and error” when it comes to creating content that truly speaks to your target audience, and sometimes even the most thorough research won’t give you all the answers right away. There is no definite answer to the big “how to get more personal training clients” question, but learning from the best is a great place to start. Keep perfecting your art, keep creating content, get yourself your little Booksy helper, build your brand, be friendly and be motivated - this way you cannot go wrong!

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