7 quick tips for an effective salon reopening

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It’s the third time you are reading articles regarding the reopening of salons since the spring of 2020, and at this point, you feel like something of an expert on this topic. Should you have some more time, you would probably be writing such articles yourself. Unfortunately, you are super busy preparing for the Grand Return part 3, and therefore, only interested in getting some quick tips and tricks. Well, your wish is our command - we gathered 7 useful pieces of advice that will help you to reopen smoothly and effortlessly. Without any further ado, let’s get back to business (pun maybe intended)!

1. Host an online meeting with your employees beforehand

Yes, you will meet with them in person and yes, you could find a way to have a short talk with them all at the same time, while abiding by the safety protocols. However, such meetings are awfully inconvenient.

Firstly, everyone wants them to be over as soon as possible and therefore, most of the questions bothering your employees remain unasked. Secondly, communicating from behind face coverings can be troublesome for some. Thirdly, as you cannot see the faces of your team members, it’s hard to assess their frames of mind. Paradoxically, in the current situation, online meetings allow for more personal contact than meetings in person.

Hosting an online meeting gives you a wonderful opportunity to not only update your staff members on the details of the reopening (go through the protocols, remind of necessary safety precautions, inform of changes), but also to see how they are doing and address some concerns, if necessary. It’s also easier to organise - and comes with no risk of getting half of the crew infected a few days before the opening!

2. Get to know the best tips for wearing face coverings comfortably…

You had quite some time to take a rest from wearing a face covering for eight hours straight. Now you have to get used to its unceasing presence once again. You may be rolling your eyes with irritation now - after all, rarely does anyone unironically like wearing a mask. However, there are ways to make it a little easier and it’s good to get familiar with them before you start operating again. We’ve already shared our detailed guide on how to make working in a face covering in a salon more comfortable and we wholeheartedly encourage you to read it in full. However, if you are looking for some quick tips, remember to:

3. ...and share them with your team members

If you are uncomfortable wearing face masks for so many hours, your employees for sure share your sentiment. It is a safety requirement and you should definitely ensure your employees follow it religiously, nevertheless, you should also do what you can to make it easier for them. Consider setting longer breaks between appointments so that your employees can not only properly disinfect their work stations, but also take a short “breath break”. Moreover, if possible, arrange a safe, well-ventilated space where they can take their masks off (to eat and to rest). Finally, share all the mask tricks with your colleagues during your meeting - maybe they will have some good tips to recommend to you as well.

4. Hype up your clients using social media

It’s perfectly understandable that you may have some concerns about your reopening. The protocols can feel burdensome, you worry about your health and there is a lot of uncertainty and mixed signals. As a human being, you are absolutely allowed to have mixed feelings about this situation. However, as a business owner, you cannot let your uneasiness affect the way your salon is perceived. In the eyes of your loyal patrons, you should be the happiest person on the planet, eagerly awaiting their visit.

You see, many of your clients have concerns of their own - seeing your lack of confidence and enthusiasm will be a deal-breaker for them. Instead, you should hype up your reopening as much as you can. Your salon’s social media fan pages will be the perfect place for it. What can you do? For example, start a countdown a week before the reopening date and publish daily posts that will fill your clientele with anticipation. Take photos of new products that you have to offer. Publish a funny video of your team members getting ready to start providing services again. Remind customers of your safety protocols. Don’t let people forget that you are going back to business - and who knows, maybe you will get a little more enthusiastic about it yourself?

5. Health screening questionnaires? Online only!

According to the safety protocols, you are supposed to only host clients who successfully pass a health screening questionnaire. The conditions are simple - the client shouldn’t visit you if they have developed symptoms characteristic of COVID-19, such as a new and continuous cough, high temperature, changes (or loss) in the sense of taste or smell, and if they have recently come into contact with a person suspected of or infected with Covid-19. Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? The only problem is - once such a client arrives at your salon and starts filling in the questionnaire, the damage is already done. Even if they are honest and answer the questions truthfully, they already might have infected your receptionist, present crew members and clients. This is why the screening questionnaire makes the most sense if it is possible to fill in online before the appointment takes place. How can you ensure this condition? If you are using Booksy, then it’s super simple - you can enable an online quesionnaire to be sent to each client after a booking is made. This way, you can make sure customers coming for their appointments are not posing a risk to your team or other clients.

Tip: Do you want to see if Booksy is the solution for you? You can test drive the system for free for two weeks by starting a trial account! It comes with no obligations attached - you don’t even need a credit card.

6. Communicate your updates to customers

Clients can easily overlook your statements on social media, never even take a look at your website and ignore emails, but they will surely read your text message. This is why you should send them all a text including any important information concerning your safety protocols - preferably by adding a link to the full thing on your website. Sending SMS-es to each customer by hand would be a nightmare - instead, use Booksy to prepare the text and send it out to your entire client list at once.

Tip: In this article, you will find some useful samples of different types of reopening messages.

7. Take it easy!

Finally - try to unwind before reopening. Yes, this is very difficult and yes, you have a lot on your plate right now. Once you go back to business, you will probably experience a flood of bookings and will be working from dawn to dusk, so it's more vital to get ready for what’s to come, not only physically, but also emotionally. Remember that it’s okay to have concerns, but if they consume your every thought, it may be time to take a closer look at your state of mind. Yes, these are truly trying times and we all experience difficulties, but you should never just accept extreme stress as an element of your job. And remember - contacting a specialist, such as a psychologist or a psychiatrist, is always the best solution!

As you can see, preparing your salon for yet another reopening is an art that combines coming to terms with your own well-being, preparing resources, ensuring great team management and running proper marketing activities. All of these require a human touch… but some can be enhanced and automated, thanks to smart salon software. Start your free trial with Booksy today and make your big comeback all the more effective!

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