3 things nail technicians wish clients would understand

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As a nail technician, even if you begin your day with the sunniest smile, at the end of your shift you end up looking like a snow-globe, covered in nail dust from head to toe. However, it’s not the technical (pun intended) difficulties of your job that make it so hard to bear sometimes, but some of your carefree clients who keep doing the same annoying things again and again. Let’s take a look at most common nail technician pet peeves and how you can disarm them!

1. The shorter the appointment, the more painful the late arrival

There are days when you feel as though you're running late everywhere. Your customers have these days too - they get late for work, late to pick up their kids from school, finally, late to their nail appointment. It’s not the end of the world, it happens to the best of us - however if a client’s visit was supposed to last 15 minutes, being 10 minutes late becomes a big deal. Before they even manage to sit down and relax their hand, the next customer arrives, awaiting to be treated. What should you do? As always, a well-written salon policy comes to the rescue. You may want to write down clear rules covering which delays are acceptable (15 minutes for longer services, 5 for short ones) and specify which services you understand as longer and which ones as shorter, so there’s no room for misinterpretation. Moreover, if you are using Booksy to manage your bookings, you can enable customised messages to clients. This way, you can further establish the difference between shorter and longer appointments and emphasise the need for being on time.

2. I know you want to share a selfie, but I really need that hand!

When FOMO attacks, there are no survivors. Some customers just don’t want to risk being left out of all the newest gossip and drama online. However, even though the world of nail techs keeps advancing, there isn't a tool that allows working on hands that are constantly on a smartphone. What should you do? Did you know that you can actually set a rule, stating that customers are obligated to put their mobile devices away when getting the service done? You have to include it in your salon policy and display not only on your social media pages, your website and somewhere in the reception area, but also around work stations. Learn to be assertive enough to ask your client to put their phone down. Be polite, but strict - explain that the reason for such a rule is to provide the best and most detailed work possible.

3. I really need to know earlier if you want advanced nail art

Nail art is beautiful, we all know that. However, it takes time and patience - and it definitely takes longer than a regular manicure. Still, clients come in for one colour and get hooked on the idea of having beautiful ornaments on all of their fingers. You can only sigh knowing that there is no way you will squeeze an hour of detailed drawing in a 15-minutes appointment. What should you do? Firstly, it’s crucial to distinguish a standard manicure from nail art manicure in your price menu. Make it very clear that duration (and pricing!) are completely different in both cases. Secondly, if you have a receptionist, teach them to ask the calling client for the exact scope of work expected. It would be best to ask right off the bat if they want one colour, multicolour pattern, one nail with an ornament or whole nail art. This way the customer has all the options on the plate and is less likely to change their mind later. Lastly, if you are using Booksy, you can set different settings for standard colours, patterns, one-nail ornaments and nail art in your online booking system - meaning that each one of them will be assigned a different price and completion time. A client will be forced to choose which one they want before they even book a visit - and if they choose the most advanced option, they will be able to book only if you have enough time to perform a whole thing.

Maintaining a healthy relationship with your clients is mainly about setting boundaries and being polite, yet assertive. As a nail technician, you have so many things on your mind (and on your hands), that it may be difficult to keep everything in line. That’s why for advanced online booking, customised notifications and many other things, you may want to start your free trial with Booksy. Dust your clothes off of nail glitter, keep your head high and give your new favourite digital assistant a go!

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