3 reasons why its worth to know funny spa jokes

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They can brighten your client’s day, break the ice during an awkward silence and overall create a more uplifting atmosphere in your spa. Sharing spa jokes (no matter how corny) can truly bring a smile on your clients’ faces and actually make it more likely for them to keep coming back to your business. However, there are a number of things you need to take heed of when coming up with spa jokes - let’s look at why they’re great for your business and when you should avoid joking around.

Improving the customer’s experience

You’ve been in this situation countless times - a new client books a visit at your spa. They arrive for one of your soothing back massages and hot towel treatments, you engage in small talk, they pay and go about their day. The client might come back once in a while or never again, depending on their experience at your business. Unfortunately, small talk won’t ensure you a devout customer - only a quality treatment, backed up with an active and lively chat will do the trick. If you see that your small talk is breaking down barriers with your client, you’re heading in the right direction! Asking about the client’s interests and work are also good topics, as they go into personal information territory, but remember - your client might be asked the exact same questions at their favourite hair or beauty salon, which makes bringing up such topics quite repetitive for them. So make sure you don’t stop here!

The natural course of action in this case would be to bring out the big guns - in the form of a spa joke or two. Now, although jokes may be silly, they may also be creative, especially when they’re associated with your line of work! Here are a few you just have to drizzle onto your next chat!

Break the ice!

Sometimes, you get that one client who just isn’t in the mood to talk, and that’s understandable. However, that doesn’t mean you should try to get them in a good mood. First, ask them the basics, such as if they’ve been experiencing any pain, knots or are simply there to relax. If the client begins to doze off during your hot stone treatment or massage, don’t push the conversation - they’re there to relax! While treating them, try to break the ice with some of these jokes:

Spa jokes for an uplifting atmosphere!

Whether you own a luxury day spa or a laid back massage spa, maintaining an uplifting atmosphere is essential. You customers want to get pampered and be treated as a welcomed guest, and not just another booking. With that being said, creating a positive atmosphere in the spa even before the client arrives is essential for your business. In this case, you may want to consider looking into Booksy, spa software. This tool allows you to send personalised newsletters to clients, as well as customised, automated messages. See what we're getting at? Even before the client arrives for their appointment, you can send them a funny spa joke in order to create the right atmosphere

Using Booksy’s messaging options, you’re able to lift your customers' spirits, even before they arrive at your spa! By sending humourful newsletters or including a joke in automated messages to be sent along with appointment reminders, you're making sure clients will be in a cheerful mood and looking forward to having a wondrous time at your business.

When you should refrain from telling spa jokes

If you’ve been in the spa industry for some time, then you’ve got the customer experience part of your job down by now. You can tell right away if a client is in the mood for talking or simply wants to get pampered in peace - and if not, start off with small talk. If the client answers with short responses or doesn’t ask you any questions, don’t get into spa jokes. Additionally, you should make sure that your jokes don't offend the customer or are simply out of place. Spa jokes that incorporate sensitive issues and make fun of people based on their religious views, sexual orientation, race or health should have no place in your spa.

Booksy is designed to help spa owners better run and manage their businesses, as well as improve communication with valuable customers. With a handful of creative spa jokes and a spa system that improves communication with clients, you’re bound to create lasting bonds and get more regular customers. Unlike other spa programs, signing up with Booksy requires no credit card. There are no hidden fees and there's free live support for life!

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